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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Do you want cookies? Do you want to share your details with 1049 trusted data partners?

    They click this thing once. 1 time only for years of “not being bothered by it” (that they notice actively).

    I agree it’s total shit but it is from a regular user point of view, easier to use the “i agree” button on most of that stuff once, than to try to avoid it. Constantly on the same few websites anyhow.

    Still doesn’t explain the no ad-block for me though, it’s a whole lot easier on the mind to browse ad-free, it is well worth the tiny effort of using ff and activating ublock…

  • yeah the resume is the silly part, it’s a remnant from the past. Somehow for flipping burgers they are by doing this checking wether you can neatly summarize you’re academic history and your skillset, it’s completely pointless. And for high skilled or specific jobs, you’re better off asking some in the workfield questions anyhow, instead of the “why don’t you decide what you want to tell us”-resume.

  • There is a positive to there being a treshold to applying for a job. It lowers the amount of applicants that will 100% not fit the job description, while making it more possible for HR/management to actually sift through every applicant, increasing the chances you’ll get hired if you do put in the effort and if you do meet the requirements. Look at it as an overcomplicated catpcha. They’re not just trying to test if you’re a human, they’re trying to test if you are human & actually are really interested in this job & actually do think you meet the requirements (or equivalent, causing you to put in the effort). It doesn’t make much sense for very low skilled low wage jobs, but it does for higher and/or very specifically skilled jobs.

  • No reading every resume is an incredibly stupid way to spend time, even for HR workers (they are somewhat educated aka not cheap).

    It would make sense for every joblisting to use the same format and you just filling it all out once in said format and connecting to any company / job listing you’ld want to apply to. That’s basically what linkedin does to some extent. That, but without the social network bullshit, would be pretty cool.