Only one and it’s a 750 w one. The UPS has a capacity of 900w
The load of the UPS is at its lowest even at boot
Only one and it’s a 750 w one. The UPS has a capacity of 900w
The load of the UPS is at its lowest even at boot
So it wouldn’t work with my PC?
Sorry I was talking about disabling the PFC with the dell Idrac, not the bios.
Going to try some heavy load on it.
I only have a desktop computer but its supply is rated 80+ gold, so it has PFC (if I understand correctly)? Maybe I can disable it in the BIOS? (Going to try)
Already tried running different equipment on the UPS such as modem/router from my ISP or a simple home phone. None of them were having troubles with the UPS…
I’ve modified my post, read it again see if you have a potential answer
Great idea
Don’t want to bother you but it’s directly related to your post, SoulSeek is the network that is used by slskd. It’s a peer to peer network mainly for music the problem is that the network is proprietary
Soulseek is a great network but this shit is proprietary
I accept the way of doing, docker or lxc but docker in a lxc is not suitable for me, I already tried it and I’ve got terrible performance
Already said but I need to try NixOS one day, this thing seems to worth it
What are really the differences between docker and kubernetes?
Less “machines” but you need to maintain docker containers at the end
If I want really to dive in the config files and how this thing works, no normal install I can really easily, on docker it’s something else
Yeah docker is great for this and it’s really a pleasure to deploy apps so quickly but the problems comes later, if you want to really customize the service to you, you can’t instead of doing your own image…
Can be but I’m not enough free, and this way I run lxc containers directly onto proxmox
Not working good on my side, performance issues
Yeah I share your point of view and I think I’m going this way. These scripts are awesome but I prefer writing mine as I get more control over them
I don’t really like portainer, first their business model is not that good and second they are doing strange things with the compose files
This why I don’t get anything from using docker I want to tweak my configuration and docker is adding an extra level of complexity
i’m using all of this yeah
I think the problem is the PSU of the server (and I think this normal, not a fault of it), will check further