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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • flying_sheep@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlsmoking
    27 days ago

    So you’re agreeing. “one does not simply stop, because one needs to be really sure that they want to stop for some reason or another”. The desire to stop doesn’t come from nothing, yet it’s the vital ingredient for stopping successfully. Unless you have it, stopping is really hard.

    The contents of your message aren’t a “no”, they’re a “yes, and”

  • That was my immediate reaction here: one of the reasons the xz backdoor was possible is that nobody is going to question the idea of shipping a tarball to spare users from having to touch Autotools.

    Of course I wouldn’t think of manually hacking together Makefiles since I come from languages that have either the One True Build Tool or a standard for packaging and defining build backends.

    I think the author’s aversion to build tools trying (and apparently failing) to make everyone’s life easier is more a statement about how much C/C++ have suffered from not having a standard for packages.

  • I’m from Munich and followed that very closely when it happened.

    The reality isn’t lock-in. The reality is lobbyism. Ballmer literally interrupted his skiing holidays in the 2000s to offer the then mayor a better deal when that mayor started the Linux project. But Ude stood firm.

    Then the next mayor came, and with him, a new opportunity. Microsoft was planning to build near Munich you see, and it would be a shame if that had to be cancelled. So they met the next mayor, Reiter, behind closed doors to talk about the building project, and a bit after that, the (by then already clearly successful) Limux project was undone.

    Not cancelled, that would imply that they weren’t done switching everything yet. They were. They just did the whole migration in reverse because Microsoft wanted them to.

  • No, as said: I’m not talking about ideology.

    Ideologically they might be principled. But practically they make it easier for Trump to win than if they’d recognize the real implications of the fucked up US voting system and vote for the lesser evil. And making it easier for a candidate to win is effectively support.