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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • extant@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    2 months ago

    The game uses archive files to package the game files and if one file changes then that breaks all the mods, and since there are several key files it essentially breaks that entire category of mod. So they aren’t as crazy as they sound even if you are correct.

  • extant@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    2 months ago

    Bethesda games are the only games I’ve ever played that don’t support ultrawide. Don’t get me wrong I’ve played other games that were released without it or it was buggy but in each case I put in a bug report and within a week or a month they patched it. Bethesda must have so much technical debt and spaghetti code that they can’t do it and they don’t care enough about their players to even try.

  • Yes, I’m comparing the threat level based on the maximum potential akin to the likes of “those apps”. Permissions are straightforward and will protect users just like ad blockers, decentralized static frameworks (JavaScript/CSS/fonts), and clearing cookies. But on average users are not well informed and aren’t considering permissions, add-ons, or even which browser or app they use so I compare based on the potential threat level.

  • I’ve no doubt it’s more than one thing that is driving this, but my point was they are only now agreeing because they have to and not because they want to. This company has literally taken away their customers ability to receive quality media from their friends with the sole intent to pressure people into getting their product so they belong. I know it’s hyperbolic to say, but it’s basically using teens to bully each other into buying something. Someone had to pitch this idea to a room full of people and all those people thought wow this is a great idea, think about how fucked up that is.

  • I just want to point out that this announcement comes after Nothing phone company announced they partnered with a company that will bridge the two protocols so apple was about to lose their ability to force android images and videos to look like a potato so iPhone users wouldn’t want to leave the apple ecosystem.

    This just exactly like when apple decided they were going to be champions of privacy by improving the security on their phones, which coincidentally happened right after a company called cellebrite started selling a product that would allow police to bypass passcodes and fingerprints to access a users data which previously could only be unlocked by the police department paying a fee for each time to unlock a phone.

    They will always default to being shitty like any other company treating their users like the enemy until they can’t and then they spin it in their favor.