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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • It’s because they reckon on 8-hour days but then under UK law they have to give you two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch. So they decide that they don’t like that so you’ve got to work the hours back so they add an extra hour on and then claim that your break times don’t count.

    But the problem with that is the only reason that I’m having a break in the town rather than at my house is because of all the other hours I’m doing around it. So really they should be paying for it. Capitalism is going to capitalism.

  • Edit: actually I’m not sure if Iceland included these specific EU rules, so maybe they can actually sell it there?..

    Unless the Icelandic government explicitly passes a law to override an EU mandate, then the EU mandate applies in Iceland. It’s a weird setup, as they are not actually in the EU so I’m unclear about why they follow EU mandates at all. I assume it makes trade easier.

    It’s hard to see why they would pass a law to override a safety consideration unless there was a grassroots movement to be able to drive cyber trucks.

  • It’s about cognitive load. When you’re driving you want reduced cognitive load so you want things to be as unambiguous as possible.

    It’s a difference between reading a shop sign as you drive past as a passenger and reading a shop sign as you drive past as a driver. You’re focusing mostly on the driving so you don’t have extra brain capacity to read the sign.

    Same thing here, you are focusing on driving so you don’t have extra brain capacity to work out what the person in front of you is doing. If you’re used to it it’s fine, but if you’re not used to it it’s dangerous.

  • I thought it was an EU law but maybe not. All indicators have to be separate lights, you can’t flash the brake light like that. It must be a proper indicator light.

    So here they have the same basic look for the lights, i.e. the union jack effect, but that LED panels and they kind of pulse in the direction of the indication so it’s much less confusing, they don’t just flash on and off.