• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • All of the Amcrest “management” I do is within blue iris. I have a ptz IP4M-1041B but do not do any ptz stuff via HA. I use blue iris to send stream/alerts to HA via MQTT. This allows me to do notifications on motion. I would assume if you have location presets setup in BI you could call them from HA but that’s a guess.

    I messed around with presets (camera location) in blue iris a bit bit didn’t have a real use case for it so I am not sure how robust it is.

    I block internet access to all Amcrest cameras directly but can still access their local IP. I have access to my cameras again via blue iris which runs on a dedicated windows machine.

  • This was me :) live at about 900’ flew in for work, picked up my rental Jeep and drove up to pikes peak

    Didn’t get sick but could walk like 5 steps at a time before needing to catch my breath. Hung out for a bit came down and went up to Longmont. Had a nice headache for a couple days.

    Second trip out I skipped pikes, but also acclimated way faster. No headache, and got in some great hiking.

  • dmtalon@infosec.pubto3DPrinting@lemmy.world3d printed threads in TPU
    3 months ago

    The pteg failed (sheered off near the “head” of the bolt/stud. The flat washer like heads were all still attached.

    I had to replace the panel, and just went with SS screws right into the fiberglass. I also tape the leading edge during transport.

    I’m guessing air got up under the front lip and just poof off it came. In my case these were fairly small which I’m sure didn’t help my case.

  • There’s all kinds of people being born every day, growing up and becoming self hosting unRAID users. Meanwhile current license holders are growing older and dying off.

    How is continuing to charge for new people to get into unRAID unsustainable? If it’s worked this long but isn’t now then increase the prices, or watch your overhead.

    I’m here until my pro license starts costing me again. If that happens, I’ll likely jump just like I have done with other products I paid for that changed our original agreement.

  • It 100% brought me here. Didn’t know what Lemmy was until the chaos over there. ultimately deleted my account never looked back. And that was a lot of eyeball time they lost from me.

    We’re missing the overall mass of people that both generate new, and answer questions on the content that was there, but I’m OK with that and I actually get better engagement here with those missing mass of people. I’m sure there’s a point of more is not better when it comes to users.