• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I don’t really care about Ghostbusters, but I found this to be a really interesting video. He seems very wise with a lot of his tips and explaining why he does things the way he does.

    One of the things that he mentioned that I also have personally found helpful is he said something about pre-portioning snacks so you don’t eat too much.

    It’s so incredibly wasteful, but for snacks in my house, I prefer to buy the bulk packages of snack sized portioned snacks (whether it’s chips, nuts, etc.). Thing is, I know it’s so incredibly wasteful for the environment to have things individually wrapped. But when they are individually packaged like that, it’s a hell of a lot easier to see and understand just exactly how much you’re eating and usually stop yourself before you get too deep. Sure, it’s more economical and wasteful to buy a giant family sized package of chips. But when I have to open each individual 150 cal snack bag, it’s a lot easier to stop at only 1 or 2 bags.

    Of course, not every snack comes packaged this way. I have thought about buying certain snacks and then pre-portioning them myself like he does, but it involves a lot more hassle and I don’t have anything like a kitchen scale.

  • In school, my method of studying was to panic and do nothing until the night before. Then I would stay up all night before whatever test I had and study then. I remember always hearing that you don’t learn anything that way, but I made it through 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school that way. My grades were just fine.

    My sanity, however, was not. Lol!!

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's the talk of the town
    9 days ago

    Not really. Because my monthly bills don’t come at the same time each month. It would probably be harder to coordinate bills if you’re paid monthly here anyway. Makes more sense to have a steady cash flow imo. Imagine living paycheck to paycheck and your bill is due on the 28th, but you don’t get paid until the 1st. Some people might run out of money before their bill is due and they don’t get their next paycheck yet.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldSPLORP!
    21 days ago

    I don’t go to natural bodies of water much. Why does it have a drowning risk?

    As someone in a warm climate, I’d be terrified of brain eating amoebas. Based on the foliage in the background though I’d bet they live in a cooler climate with much less risk of that.

  • Well, I mean it’s less weird to write “golf ball-sized hail” bcause it’s a rather common way to describe the size of hail. Energy drink cans are cylindrical, so it doesn’t make immediate sense in anyone’s brain in the sentence as a comparison. I’m guessing the author couldn’t think of a common enough spherical item of the right size to compare with. Still, I think hyphens would have immediately fixed the strangeness, like the person below you commented.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWon't someone think of the yachters.
    2 months ago

    I had no idea about the yacht price. Do you have an example listing? Because if it’s something as small and as cheap as you say then I have a hard time classifying a little boat with a motor as a yacht.

    Wikipedia indicates that while not a standard definition, a yacht is generally classified as me having an overnight sleeping cabin and is at least 10 meters/33 feet long. I can’t imagine something like that being as cheap as you describe, even if it’s not a multi million dollar vessel.