8 days agoReminds me of this app I’ve never used but seen that uses audio to transmit images with something called SSTV:
SSTV Encoder (Image encoder for Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) audio signals) https://f-droid.org/packages/om.sstvencoder/
(And also Robot36, I think one encodes and one decodes)
I took one as a kid, my parents had all of us tested. I was always told I was smart but they never told me the number. Just that “you can do anything you put your mind to”. I literally didn’t know I was taking an IQ test and have no memories of what it was like other than the person doing the test was a lady and she had me doing something with wooden blocks. This was all as a prerequisite to get into some gifted program. They lost my results for a bit so I didn’t get in until second grade (USA) so it had to be some time in first grade or before. I won’t spell out my life story here, so I’ll stop there. Anyway yeah that was my experience with it.