Easy, buy up a bunch of land for conservation
Easy, buy up a bunch of land for conservation
It’s hard, but there are more adults in the U.S. alive today who have successfully quit smoking than currently smoke.
Check out SmokeFree.gov for free science-based resources!
$4,800 every 6 months is only $800/month. The OP pays $500/mo on insurance, let’s say $100 on gas a month, that’s only $200/month payment on the loan for an old used car. Car ownership is expensive, but it’s probably more common for the car payment to be $500/month and insurance to be $200/month. This doesn’t even factor maintenance
Firefox just added PDF editing to the native browser!
Animals on average convert about 10% of the mass they eat into their own body mass.
Nice! That’s got to be the Dragonstone bridge from the GoT universe
Agreed! This is just the beginning, I’m convinced this was the plan all along for most smart devices. I will make an exception for products that can be conveniently operated when an account/app is optional at least.