• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • I completely get why you’d stick with MacOS if you need CC software. That being said I am very glad about the general lack of anti-user software like Adobe’s suite on Linux and I hope they don’t port their CC software to Linux. Instead I hope FOSS alternatives get better to the point where most PS/CC users can reasonably meet all their needs with free (as in libre) software. GIMP is pretty decent these days although I find it a lot more clunky and awkward to use than PS. But hopefully either the gap can close or some new FOSS developer can create an even better alternative.

  • Welcome! My main piece of advice to you is use your package manager and don’t just download software from your browser like you would on Windows. Installing software with a command line package manager is the superior way to do it—nothing to do with being a leet hackerman/woman using the terminal, it is just an easier way to keep all your software centrally up to date without having to individually update each one separately, and it’s faster to do in the terminal rather than bother with the bloat and slowness of a GUI. Generally, Windows teaches you a lot of bad computer habits you should try to unlearn. I think installing software from the web is the biggest Windows-based mistake I made when new to Linux.

    I think more generally learn to use the command line, a lot of things they have guis for (eg burning an iso, mounting or formatting a drive, version control guis, etc) are completely doable from the command line and it’s faster and more reliable to just use Unix commands for these things than to rely on a potentially buggy or slow gui program.

  • That’s a shame about musl, musl sounds cool.

    I wonder if you have thoughts on Artix? I’m going to do an Artix install soon, I like the sound of it as it’s systemd-free (you can use runit with it like Void) but still lets you use the AUR. If not for that I think I’d go with Void instead though, I hear fewer people complaining about things not working with Void so it sounds to me like Void might be more stable than Artix.