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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlWhat keeps capitalism together?
    1 month ago

    How does that work when all of the production happens in other countries now? Is there some scenario where we have a socialist white collar economy? All the rhetoric surrounding Communism fits a blue collar economy where production is still the key driver of the economy. Most “1st world” economies these days are service economies not production economies. Is there some literature on how Communism fits in with a service economy?

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlts moment
    1 month ago

    Lol wut, they never claimed servers were independently controlled. Maybe you just didn’t look into what you were signing up for.

    When you go use different servers on Minecraft realms are you under any impression those are not controlled by Microsoft?

    When you choose a different server on World of Warcraft do you think it’s a non-blizzard server?..

    Like just because you put yourself into a state of bad false assumptions didn’t mean they tried to trick you. People have been saying this about discord from the beginning you just never cared to look.

    Did you actually think this or are you just inventing a person in your mind that this has happened to? Lol

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlH.A.R.D.C.O.R.E
    4 months ago

    I just assumed the option for normal difficulty was to the left and that’s why the image is weirdly cropped like that.

    There is a gap between the male and female grouping and the hardcore. This is what leads me to believe that the hardcore option is in a different grouping, probably horizontal grouping which is why I think the normal difficulty is to the left.

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.ml---
    5 months ago

    It’s a good thing you answered truthfully. Cannabis affects the way anesthesia works so they may not have given you enough if you had lied and said no.

    PSA to anyone getting any sort of anesthetic/anesthesia. Always be truthful about your marijuana use.

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    7 months ago

    While I agree the problem as written is ambiguous and should be written with explicit operators, I have 1 argument to make. In pretty much every other field if we have a question the answer pretty much always ends up being something along the lines of “well the experts do this” or “this professor at this prestigious university says this”, or “the scientific community says”. The fact that this article even states that academic circles and “scientific” calculators use strong juxtaposition, while basic education and basic calculators use weak juxtaposition is interesting. Why do we treat math differently than pretty much every other field? Shouldn’t strong juxtaposition be the precedent and the norm then just how the scientific community sets precedents for literally every other field? We should start saying weak juxtaposition is wrong and just settle on one.

    This has been my devil’s advocate argument.

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlAll lives rule
    7 months ago

    To all the people who want to vote third party or withhold their vote, please tell me, when had that ever effected change?

    This idea that if you hold your vote or vote 3rd party you’re gonna teach the establishment a lesson is laughable. No, the system will go on without you and you’ll just have even less of a voice/decision in the direction of our country.

    There is a reason certain people work so hard to tell you your vote doesn’t matter. You’re all falling for it.

    Edit: If you don’t like the candidates you have to choose from then go out and vote in the primaries because there’s about a 90% chance you’re not doing that.

  • The only caveat I’ll add is that because of the way package managers work in Linux, it’s much less likely someone will be running something from an untrusted source. It’s less true these days with snap and flatpak but those are at least sandboxed.

    It’s not that common these days for Linux users to be downloading random binaries and running them.