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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • Not really. I’ve switched from wired to wireless because of the number of headphones I’ve destroyed getting the cable stuck so bad it yanks my body. My ears never hurt from it; just slightly disoriented and audio only working for one bud/side now. Eventually it was too annoying and I switched to full bluetooth wireless. I won’t argue against cables being better for audio, but for me they arent.

  • The funny thing is I’m in IT. The amount of tabs I have open is usually due to solving issues, opening multiple tabs of info to research without losing place. Just I often tend to forget to close some when done, or I get interrupted by either other work, questions (I’m an escalation point so helping my coworkers is also part of my job), or straight up ADHD. I used to keep tabs open to track manga/manhwa I’m interested or reading, but I use an app for that now and close apps way more often now.

    I still might get a bunch open when trying to figure out game stuff or making choices for either shopping or D&D/Pathfinder or just something I need to look up, but the manga/manhwa was really the one that kept stuff open for days at a time.

  • chatokun@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mllocal warzone
    1 month ago

    Nah, the way Microsoft and Edge work still enrages me. I just use both Chrome and Firefox atm, with Chrome behind my VPN and Firefox split tunneled. I’m still on 10, but when I have the freedom to do so I’m going to switch to Linux. I can’t just up and do it at the moment because I work through my computer and also game through it, so I need to have a ton of things ensured workable before I switch. That requires time and testing, and in an ideal environment a second system to run in parallel, which I cannot do atm.

    I’ve heard our work may be purchasing work laptops for us, so I might be able to do my switch then.

  • Yeah, generally people like to take a small issue and blow it out of proportion. I’ve always liked Pineapple on Pizza, but I know some people who can’t stand any sweet and salty mix. Similarly, I don’t like coconut in sweet stuff, but I love it on its own and love it in savory foods.

    I’ve definitely talked to women irl who dislike the word moist, from friends, coworkers, and family members. I don’t recall any men getting disgusted with it irl, (except from that one meme) though I can imagine some uncomfortable situations (moist socks, moist undergarments, etc).

  • Sorta, it’s also a mental image thing and a visceral reaction. Like fear of clowns or trypophobia, there are valid reasons for the visceral reaction (being moist in certain situations can be quit4 uncomfortable and in some rare situations causes at least minor irritation or injury), but usually don’t apply for most circumstances. Clowns aren’t dead people, and most bunch of tiny holes aren’t insects or disease… well, maybe a lot of them are insects.

    Visceral reactions are uncontrollable, so while it may be propped up a lot as a joke on the internet, I think it’s a bit condescending to assume something that doesn’t bother you doesn’t actually bother some people for real.

  • I had a coworker catholic who both said that statement, and also argued animals had no souls, so no one should ever get in trouble for animal abuse. Along with his ridiculously heated response to any government involvement in Healthcare, and the way he got close to yelling when discussing these topics while also claiming he was just being logical, not emotional. Why yes he did call women emotional, how did you know?

    People like him scare me, because it sounds like if he could use some religious context to say I didn’t have a soul, he’d probably come to the same conclusion he did about dogs.