smoothbrain coldtakes

why would you take anything you see on the internet seriously?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldI never learn my lesson
    6 months ago

    I used to always buy a K series chipset even though I never used the iGPU. It’s literally like a 50-70 dollar savings depending on the chipset going from K to KF. I figured I’d rather have it for troubleshooting and not need it, rather than need it and not have it - but if you’re using the iGPU chances are your dGPU is fucked in some capacity, so it’s really pointless when you’re trying to troubleshoot a graphics card problem.

  • There’s kind of two modes with that. If you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to just become a bulldozer of anger and malice and just shit on every single aspect of the first seasons. Otherwise, it’s just a discussion where we disagree on what things we enjoy.

    I find it easier to have a simple discussion here on Lemmy. On reddit you’re about 50/50 going to encounter somebody angry and malicious, but here it’s probably more like 70/30 towards a good conversation.

  • smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldI never learn my lesson
    6 months ago

    That’s just how “real” fans are.

    There’s nothing real about them though, except their malice.

    I am the kind of guy who will make fun of you for watching and enjoying the first few seasons of Disco and Picard because I think they suck, but I’ve stopped trying to tell people how to enjoy their media. The world is already a miserable enough place without trying to make people feel bad about their content watching habits.

  • You guys realize that the server rules regionally only apply regionally, and not globally right? If you don’t like the rules of your nation state it’s very easy to move your hosting elsewhere where the rules you are trying to avoid are not going to apply.

    Just because India has some massive breaking sweeping law doesn’t really change anything about our other servers if they are just not in that jurisdiction. is not going down for Indian rules, because we’re hosted in Canada. I would imagine is also not hosted in India.

    The fediverse is not even big enough (we’re about the size cumulatively of like a medium subreddit) to really want to actively police.

    It’s like saying Iran or anywhere else in the Middle East has powerful internet control, as if that’s going to change literally anything hosted outside of those incredibly repressive nations. Unless India has some agreement with other states long-term to remove content they disagree with, literally nothing is going to change. I know North American sentiment towards India is not strong these days because of the recent assassinations (and/or attempts) within our borders of Sikh “extremists”.

  • Fediverser looks like a project that’s supposed to ease the onboarding process from reddit, looks like you can sign up with a reddit account to have access to Lemmy, but I am not entirely sure.

    I don’t really mind the size of the community these days; I feel like if we start getting more and more people from reddit we’re going to get the people we wanted to avoid by leaving the place. Right now it feels like there’s not a ton of content, but there’s a decent amount of discussion, and it’s of high quality. I feel like an easier entrance to the platform is going to degrade the experience, as shitty as that sounds.