• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • When you spend a sufficient amount of time in a community, the inside jokes became more and more obtuse. A lot of jokes will be derivative of some derivative of a derivative of a joke. Logically explaining a joke will never be funny.

    This happens with my wife all the time, I show her a meme and she doesn’t get it. When I start explaining it, it becomes clear you need to have seen the evolution of a number of bits of media to put together into this “3rd level derivative” joke.

    So in conclusion, yeah this joke might never be funny for you. The link might give you a logical explanation to understand in the future. Just accept it’s an inside joke that’s not for you, and that’s ok.

    Yes it is an ultra minimalist version of the comic. Part of the inside joke is hiding “loss” in a number of other seemingly unrelated posts which people find amusing to be “fooled” into not recognising. It is like Rick-Rolling someone…what’s so funny about a Rick Asterley song? It has just become an inside joke about a bait and switch.

  • As someone who has fully transitioned to Linux myself recently:

    You don’t need to know how to code. But I don’t know how you think you don’t need to use terminal. Linux is complex. You run into problems. You will need to learn to troubleshoot. You will inevitably have to use terminal at some point (even if that’s for copy/pasting commands, but you’ll still need a very basic understanding).

    Trying to underplay the complexity or learning curve for Linux is disingenuous and problematic for new users.

  • The first step is normalising the idea of privacy so people can even see the point of paying for something they can easily get for free.

    The next step would be to make products people can easily use without being tech savvy. A synology NAS has been great for me and I praise the setup to anyone who will listen, but even with something like Synology people will need some basic knowledge.