I see it
Not affilated with CBS or Paramount just being the best Brad Boimler i can be 🖖
I see it
This just seperates it into a secondary profile but all apps in your main profile are already sandboxed as well the only apps that are not sandboxed are system apps such as Play services. But you could use the app in a work profile(shelter) under a seperate Google account that would add a bit more anonymity. But android default app sandbox could be more secure there are other custom ROMs that do just that making the regular app sandbox even more secure.
Here is more information on how each android app is sandboxed(except Play Services)
Thank you already seen this and like I said if it’s a system app it’s a no go for me any app to do with Google needs to be sandboxed being a privileged app is why I won’t use it.
As long as micro G is a system app in my opinion it is the same why not run it as a sandboxed app. There is probably a reason why it can’t just think it would be more privacy first approach to sandbox it but that is just my opinion everyone’s threat model is different I don’t use Google at all anymore so non issue for me. Still better than stock Google Play true just think micro G could do more.
Yes but it’s just as bad Micro G is still installed as a root app in the system and still uses proprietary Google code required for MicroG to work so micro G may limit the data the get but the are still getting it. I use proton mail on GOS with no sandboxed Google Play and just notifications are broke and that’s fine by me.
Does this come with NVMe hat built in or do you supply your own hat description on Amazon is vague at best.
I think it has more to do with Matrix is kinda becoming the standard for secure open source messaging server but I do agree with you I would just use what works for you personally.
That’s because the are most likely flex drivers i work for a DSP inside a Amazon warehouse the are more strict and enforce rules for self employed contractors this is just not possible the should get rid of flex that’s my opinion.
Yes you are correct if it’s a computer the ship them in OEM box so we knock for those but if it’s a normal Amazon box it gets left it is what it is I wish things where different but that is Amazon for you.
Yup we don’t even get brakes well we do but if you take them you fall behind and get punished for it.
That is because if we do and dogs bark baby wakes up and a customer calls Amazon support over it we get a customer escalation hurts are scorecard terribly and al drivers lose their bonus for the 2 week pay period also if you don’t rate a Amazon delivery with a thumbs up it hurts us as well please rate your delivery. Amazon goes out of their way to punish drivers.
You are correct where I am we have about 200 stops a day over 400 packages 1 minute per stop 45-60 stops a hour is what the expect.
We can’t leave it at any other house or address vans have camera it’s termination if we do that would be why only the address listed can be delivered too.
So the reason we don’t is unless your delivery note says to knock or ring a door bell we are not allowed to because customers complain and we get written up for it called customer escalation so put it in the notes I always follow the notes no notes means it gets left a door.
Yeah looking into all of this now I might move towards a invite only and keep groups community’s etc unencrypted and moderate them all. Or make community’s etc only allowed with admin approval. UPDATE: we are now invite only working on generating some invite codes if anyone is interested comment below.
Also because of this comment registration is temporary disabled while I disable rooms and spaces, and community’s so it will be messenger/group messages only. More limits may be imposed not sure yet still reading all the options in the docs. Also looking into other methods like disabling encryption on group chats if even possible to deter this.
Zero signups so far so no one really interested and kinda knew that mainly for personal use.
Best comment 😂
Ahh I see sorry miss understood