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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • That was from a fear of food poisoning from it being left out in the sun to warm. But it was more of an issue if real mayo, (with raw egg yolk), was used. If you used some type of industrial grade Miracle Whip untainted by anything real you could ID as an ingredient, it was far less of an issue.

    Besides, what’s a little e.coli gonna do? Besides make you all shiny clean on the inside.

  • As a Midwesterner, potato salad is made with a mixture of real mayonnaise and yellow mustard. Finely diced onion and celery with a dash of old and flavorless paprika for color to round it all out. Salt and pepper to taste. You wouldn’t want it to be too spicy you know.

    Some heretics will add diced dill pickle on occaision - my one Grandmother would sometimes do this after drinking too much. This is generally considered a social faux pas, though us Mid-westerners are too polite and kind to actually say something about it. But we will look askance at you. And your children will never play with our kids ever again.

  • The French did try it back when they were in the process of changing to the metric system in the 1700s. Even THEY quickly determined that, much like the creation of the universe, it was a very bad idea. And it was very quietly dropped. French tried hard to scrub that moment of insanity from the history books. But well, the internet is truly forever in both directions I guess.

    Metric time quickly got out of sync with the periods of light and dark. Mother Nature evidently doesn’t like humans dicking around with the time periods of her celestial movements. (Dozenal for the win!)

  • It’s here Sunshine. And it’s been the law, for what 50 years now?

    So go to the store and buy a 2 liter of your favorite soda pop, 454g of butter, 2 1/4kilos of potatoes, a half kilo of tomatoes, and a 750ml bottle of whisk(e)y. Then get out your wrenches and use the 10mm to tighten that wobbly leg on that chair. Oh, your 10mm wrench is missing too? Well, do you have a 160mm adjustable wrench? No? I have one here in my tool box use that one.

    Oh, you want it in your car? You either just need to read the other scale printed on the speedometer or just push a button. Instant metric system.

    The metric system is here. You use it and your too blind to see it…Most 'Muricans are either trying too hard to be edgy or they are just dumb I guess.

  • Garlic is life.

    I think a lot of the issue for a goodly number of people adding more garlic than is called for has to do with the garlic you get to buy these days. It tends to be of large size to catch your eye and is high yielding. Not mention you have no idea how old the garlic you buy is either. This leads to a watered down flavor that isn’t as strong. So we end up tossing in that extra clove or twelve more than called for.

    Best is to grow your own garlic and get the flavor!

  • I’ve never had and issue with the linear rails rusting in all the years I’ve been 3D printing. But I do live in a drier temperate climate also. But dust will eat the seals up very quickly as well. If rust is a worrisome issue, hard chromed linear rods are also easily available to prevent any worry about rust. And they would outlast the the non-chrome rails significantly. That’s what I use.

    As always YMMV

  • It’s not so much about lubrication as it is about trying to prevent seal wear. When the wiper seal gets worn and can no longer keep the dust and grit out, the rolling elements have little time left.

    If the bearing as lubricated correctly at installation time, it should never need re-lubrication. But it’s important to keep the rail surfaces clean. And it’s amazing just how dusty those rails can get and just how abrasive that dust is on the bearings.

    I don’t lube the rails, it attracts too much dust. But I do wiper the rails periodically. I replaced the linear rod bearings and rods on my old and trusty Mk3s+ after almost 3500 hours of operation this last winter. Though I should have probably done it a bit sooner.

  • For PLA and PETG, I like MatterHacker, though I have been buying some Voxel PLA lately and that’s been pretty good stuff too. Voxel does run sales that get the price down to $15/$16US a kilo.

    For ABS/ASA, I’m still using a the same kilo of Zyltech ABS I bought 5 or 6 years ago. And I still haven’t used 200g yet. I did dig it out this weekend to print a couple dozen custom cable clips for my boat with it though.

  • I’m not an architect, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn.

    The easiest way to think about an element being “structural” or not is is to consider what can happen if you remove that element - will the roof/wall collapse on top of you or not. If the answer is no, the roof/wall will not fall down, it’s not “Structural” or “Load Bearing” If the roof/wall can fall down on if you remove it, it is “structural” or “load bearing”.

    So, using your example, if you were to remove the drywall and furring strips from that cement block wall, will the wall and ceiling be in danger of collapse? If it is, then it was structural. If not, then it wasn’t structural.

    The Architects and Civil Engineers that I have known, do not consider drywall or furring strips to “structural” when designing a building. I’m going with their consensus on this matter.