Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    not necessarily

    Due to their process of building apps, apps in the official F-Droid repository often fall behind on updates. F-Droid maintainers also reuse package IDs while signing apps with their own keys, which is not ideal as it gives the F-Droid team ultimate trust. Additionally, the requirements for an app to be included in the official F-Droid repo are less strict than other app stores like Google Play, meaning that F-Droid tends to host a lot more apps which are older, unmaintained, or otherwise no longer meet modern security standards.

    Other popular third-party repositories for F-Droid such as IzzyOnDroid alleviate some of these concerns. The IzzyOnDroid repository pulls builds directly from GitHub and is the next best thing to the developers’ own repositories. However, it is not something that we can fully recommend, as apps are typically removed from that repository if they are later added to the main F-Droid repository. While that makes sense (since the goal of that particular repository is to host apps before they’re accepted into the main F-Droid repository), it can leave you with installed apps which no longer receive updates.

    That said, the F-Droid and IzzyOnDroid repositories are home to countless apps, so they can be a useful tool to search for and discover open-source apps that you can then download through other means such as the Play Store, Aurora Store, or by getting the APK directly from the developer. You should use your best judgement when looking for new apps via this method, and keep an eye on how frequently the app is updated. Outdated apps may rely on unsupported libraries, among other things, posing a potential security risk.

  • That is the most disturbing part of this whole mess. People seem to actually believe that Russel Brand is a danger to the establishment. He acts like a teenager who got grounded, and then goes on a rant about how the illuminati imprisoned him because he was about to uncover the truth about the yeti.

    Literally a 50-year-old man-baby who just realized what people usually realize when they are teenagers; corporations want to earn money, governments are involved in wars, there is something called capitalism, and life is not fair.

    How is preaching those things on Youtube a threat to the establishment? Dude got fucking canceled cuz people dug up the dirt, it happens but does not mean you’re the second coming of Jesus Christ, Neo or Che Guevara.

    Seriously, what is wrong with the world? Also I thought Blumenthal was smart, wtf.

  • The assertion that our Earth orbits the sun is as audacious as it is perplexing. We face not one, but a myriad of profound, unresolved questions with this idea. From its inability to explain the simplest of earthly phenomena, to the challenges it presents to our longstanding scientific findings, this theory is riddled with cracks!

    And, let us be clear, mere optimism for this ‘new knowledge’ does not guarantee its truth or utility. With the heliocentric model, we risk destabilizing not just the Church’s teachings, but also the broader societal fabric that relies on a stable cosmological understanding.

    This new theory probably isn’t going to bring in a trillion coins a year. And if it probably isn’t going to make a trillion coins a year, it probably isn’t going to have the impact people seem to be expecting. And if it isn’t going to have that impact, maybe we should not be building our world around the premise that it is.

  • “If hallucinations aren’t fixable, generative AI probably isn’t going to make a trillion dollars a year,” he said. “And if it probably isn’t going to make a trillion dollars a year, it probably isn’t going to have the impact people seem to be expecting,” he continued. “And if it isn’t going to have that impact, maybe we should not be building our world around the premise that it is.”

    Well he sure proves one does not need an AI to hallucinate…

  • The internet and computing in general is no longer a harmless activity.

    Woa, did you start to write that essay in 1981? 🤣

    Just kidding, reasonable thoughts there. But I’m way more optimistic; in the future I see whole generations rejecting any communicative online activities, if its not work related. Idk when but at some point people will sinply go outside to be sure to interact with real humans.

    But yea, good that you found a way out now already, can’t say the same for myself 🥲