More children to exploit in those cobalt mines! Can’t stop now!
More children to exploit in those cobalt mines! Can’t stop now!
The vatican didn’t know about rule 34, I bet.
Thanks. It looks like two thirds of a 3-pronged pitchfork.
I didn’t recognize the meme and thought it was some porn thing about a dick in the hole. What is it actually? I can’t tell.
Fuck outta here with USAmerican politics. That shit is hella mid. Now, American politics though… what Maduro up to nowadays?
The epitome of the meme.
You can say f*ck on the internet.
You can say fack on the internet.
You can say frig on the internet.
You can say fuck on the internet.
I was remembering it wrong. Oops. In chemistry class, we had a professor who put a cube of some material into water and it skidded along the surface making very angry noises. Can’t remember which element that was.
Throw it in the water! I want to se what happens!
Imagine a virus that installs linux on that date.
That’s called a tortilla, right?
“everyone must follow what’s happening the #1 country in the universe, otherwise it implies they don’t have news”
Thanks. It was either that, AI, or screenshots from an old episode his TV series.
Seriously, what is up with the Trump meme working in a fastfood place? Did he recently do a photo-op?
Thank you. I didn’t know that.
There are still costs attached to maintaining the network that provides electricity, so it can’t really be free unless it’s nationalised and paid for by taxes (which still isn’t free).
Did you tell a news station about it? CNN would probably pick it up
Thanks for the translation.
Oui, biensur!