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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Lmao the green party isn’t going to do jack shit. They’re completely unserious about politics. They aren’t even trying to build up an infrastructure in all 50 states that lets them get suffused into local and state politics. They aren’t even aiming for Congressional seats, which would be necessary for an actual Green president to get anything done.

    They’re just anti science grifters who think wifi causes cancer, entertain vaccine skepticism, and demonize nuclear energy – the latter of which could be a major asset to stopping global warming. Newer designs are even able to consume nuclear waste, meaning an anti nuclear position results in more waste than we would otherwise.

  • Even if that’s all true, we owe it to our forebears to still try. And I don’t mean literal ancestors, but the American left throughout history. They fought against slavery, for equal civil rights, for the right to vote, and for the dignity to be seen as a full person. Workers rights advocates fought to give us safer working conditions and better work life balance. And all of these people were beaten and some even killed in the process.

    Things don’t look great right now, but I don’t know if things have ever looked good in the US. It’s always been pretty terrible in some regard if you weren’t a rich white straight man.

    Maybe the struggle will be futile in the end. But I don’t want to give up, because the people before us didn’t give up, and honestly faced harder odds.

  • Edit: forgot to also mention. We’ve had an explosion of gang-rapes towards underage girls (aged ~13-15) lately, done by immigrants of arab background. Makes me uncomfortable to even think about. Can dig up sources if necessary

    Prove that the incidence of these are higher among immigrants than your citizens. Republicans in the US love to talk about illegal immigrants killing and raping people but then become suspiciously silent when Republicans and conservative donors are outed doing the same things.

    I’m guessing that if you look into sexual assault committed by your country’s citizens, you’ll find the incidence rate is actually higher, because the majority of rape victims are raped by people known to them.

  • My employer had a slightly better reason to do layoffs, because our financial situation then was pretty bad and still is pretty bad. I don’t mean “we got 30% profit instead of 31%!”, but “we aren’t making money and we have no money”. Layoffs were more understandable than usual given the situation and circumstances.

    And even in these conditions, I still think it was a terrible decision. Morale was ultra low after the layoffs, and the situation led to quite a few people who did survive to leave of their own volition for better opportunities. We lost talent in the layoffs, and then we lost talent in everyone who felt like they were on a sinking ship. Which, in turn, has led to even more people feeling like it’s a sinking ship with the writing on the wall.

    My management chain is completely gone. I directly report to an executive now, where previously there was my supervisor, his supervisor, his supervisor, and then the executive. Where there were perhaps 10-15 system engineers both in and outside my team, there are now like 3-4 of us thanks to layoffs and departures. And if one of these guys leave, I’m going to find a new job and put in my two weeks once I land one.

    The silver lining is that my job security has never been better, because they’ve created a situation where they literally can’t afford to lose me or my colleagues. We’re all on critical projects, and at the point where a new person just wouldn’t be helpful, because they don’t have the proper time to learn and get caught up before we need these projects finished.

    In short? Layoffs are a terrible decision, even when you’re in terrible financial straits. You risk a death spiral that makes things even worse and worse.

  • Depends on the level of precision you need. If I want the volume in a 500 foot long, 3 inch pipe to roughly estimate how much supply I need to order, I wouldn’t need a calculator. It would very roughly be 90-95 ft3. (Divide 500 by 4 two times and multiple by 3)

    Then I would spend 5 minutes double checking myself haha.