Parties are optional. Work is not.
Parties are optional. Work is not.
Welcome! You’ve got mail!
If it’s a publicly traded company they don’t have a choice. Fall in line or hostile takeover and get replaced.
Packaged like that it’s probably ground in-store
Not excusing the practice, but I’m pretty sure Boox products use a highly customized version of the android kernel to work better with eInk screens. It’s not as simple as just using the latest AOSP for them. Sadly, this also seems to be standard across all eInk Android tablets, though it looks like at least some Boox products use Android 12, while most of the space is stuck on Android 11.
We called that a cosmonaut screwdriver
A younger me would sometimes go for what we called cosmonaut screwdrivers - vodka and tang
If it’s in a hospital setting any medication given likely needs an MD order.
Gaia Online… now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time
I thought color DES was decent?
Charisma is selling salsa as a tomato based fruit salad
The older you get, the more excited you get for socks as a present.
Dope Rider is among the best comics made