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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Searxng throws together results from different engines as far as I know.

    Not sure how a federated search engine would work though.

    Edit: hash0772 (is there a correct way address someone’s username on Lemmy?) already mentioned this but it’s generally best to use an existing instance, there’s also some on tor. (they obviously still only search the clearnet)

  • the knowledge that their money is going directly towards their favourite creator and not some random advertiser.

    The advertisers aren’t getting money by showing you ads unless you buy something, unless you mean YouTube which I think still takes a cut. Also I’ve been getting ‘recommendations’ for videos like those from channels I haven’t even subscribed to so it’s almost certainly not my favourite creator they’re trying to get me to throw money at.

    The YouTube main page is already usually about 16-20% ads (although every now and then it’s less) I don’t like having even fewer serious recommendations.

  • I’ve tried compiling C on windows in vscode in the meantime and I gave up and switched to a GitHub codespace to use GCC and cross compiled for Windows, then had to download an extra dll for a library and put it in the folder with the exe and it’s massive I believe it was like 1.4mb instead of 30kb on Linux. I’ve got all of the games that I want running on Wayland now too while on windows I still can’t run a tiling window manager or change keybinds for moving around windows.

    If you were just talking about how most non programmers will find a way to compile C natively on windows rather than switch OS, fair enough. I’m also sure windows has more desktop apps available but there’s plenty of useful tools on Linux that don’t run on windows or don’t integrate into system components (have you ever extracted a tarball in windows explorer? tar ships with windows but it’s terminal only) and nobody (other than ms) is allowed to change the last part (to my knowledge, I’m not a lawyer and haven’t read all of the windows EULA but I think it would fall under reverse engineering).

    If you are not a programmer and don’t care enough about your privacy to learn about a new system and you don’t care about customizability too much you’re probably best off macos (seems to be compatible with more none games and customization tools) or windows which is hideously expensive unless you know where to get it and then you still get spied on and receive ads (not sure whether Macos does that).

  • Why though? I’ve failed to run windows 10 on an old laptop and windows 11 won’t even officially support something without TPM 2 and just seems to want to commit suicide on my machine (and take any other bootloader to the grave with it). Macos gets updates for a few years until it doesn’t and then software won’t run on the older/newer versions. I personally don’t know of any software that wouldn’t run when I updated to Linux kernel version 6 (likely some drivers that aren’t maintained though) and I’m also running Linux on my old Pentium 4 with no problems except overheating in summer which is probably because it needs to be cleaned.