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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHe deserves better
    12 days ago

    Superman has always been a bit of a boring character, which IMO is hard to write for to make interesting beyond the origin / coming of age story.

    I think screwing up Batman is a lot more offensive. So much good lore and villians to work with.

    IMO, Affleck played a terrible Fatman. He wasn’t dark and brooding, he was wooden and boring. It wasn’t just the story, but Afflecks portrayal of the character.

  • He is correct that the forces are different. The equation for centripetal force is Fc = Mv2/R.

    Radius is the distance from the focal point, and each seat will be different distances.

    So he is technically correct that seat position could be calculated in perfect conditions with accurate measurements.

    But none of the data that reaches this service will be remotely accurate or complete enough to make that determination. It will only have one passengers phone data, and even if it collected everyones phone data, phone sensors have a margin of error well above what the difference would be. GPS data is only even marginally accurate up to something like 6ft, and really not even then. Then cars have a lot of other factors like suspension and compression in seats, etc, that would absorb enough of the forces to muddy the data even if accurate sensors were everywhere.

    Tl;dr; another cocky person that took a few physics courses but walked away with a poor understanding of real world applications talking out their ass.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHappens once per thread
    1 month ago

    There were a couple years in my teens when I generally wore all black clothes. I was not a goth, even if I was passingly friendly with a few goths.

    Many assumed I was a goth, and it never bothered me to correct them. It was a completely understandable assumption to make.

    You may not be a goth, but you certainly look like one at a glance.

  • I’ve had this argument with my wife, who wants to swim with Orcas, so many times.

    Me: Orcas are the sadistic murder cats of the ocean. Do not swim with them. They may decide to kill you for the fun of it.

    Her: There has never been a reported fatal orca attack! You worry too much!

    Me: How many people do you think are trying to swim with wild orcas every year? Sample size is to small. It’s like saying it’s safe to slap a grizzly bear with a pool noodle and then throw a Meringue pie in it’s face, because AFAIK, no one has ever died doing so.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    2 months ago

    I have filled out these forms, and I have abandoned applications.

    If I am being paid to follow process, that’s one thing. If I’m being forced to jump through hoops for free on my own time, before I’m even particularly interested in your company, that’s a completely different thing.

    Same with coding applications. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, really just depends on if I’m bored or not. But as a requirement before the application is even looked at, it’s fucking stupid.