oh shit that works? Ok that’s nice, did not realize
how do I do that from mobile? Is it on mobile clients at all, or is it just connect that’s missing it?
oh shit that works? Ok that’s nice, did not realize
how do I do that from mobile? Is it on mobile clients at all, or is it just connect that’s missing it?
Almost all the memes I have saved are pretty much void of any real statement or opinion, except maybe “this is humorously absurd”. Unfortunately they’re all images and I don’t want to go to the trouble of transcribing them
In general if something appears to he trying to sway or convince me toward something, it isn’t a meme, it’s a political cartoon or an advertisement, even if it’s trying to be humorous.
I expect opinions to not be the subjects of the memes usually
I come here, to the memes place, to see memes
“Middle of nowhere” is the accepted term for that region