There are three critical parts to an apology. You have to feel regret/remorse, accept guilt and make an effort to correct it/make sure it never happens again.
If all three aren’t present every time then someone isn’t sorry. If they say sorry and don’t make it right or make reasonable actions to ensure it doesn’t happen again then they are a liar and poor company to keep.
I’ve done the on prem design. I’ve migrated people entirely to the cloud. I specialize a little in between.
Without any shred of doubt the cloud is going to be more cost effective than self hosting for 99% of all use cases. They’re priced that way intentionally. You cannot compete with Cloudflare/AWS/GCP/Vultr/Akami/Digital Ocean/etc.
My homelab isn’t about scaling, production workloads and definitely isn’t accessible to anyone but me. I’d argue using it in any other way defeats the purpose and shows a lack of understanding.