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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2023


  • When all you can see outside the window is the pitch black forest and the moon over the looming mountains in the valley, and your dad start telling you tales of dangerous troll lurking in the forest, The Hall of Mountain King got a different mood over it. Especially when your father is telling you that as the music is reaching its prestissimo finale the troll in the tale is running towards your house lol.

    Especially with pictures like this on the wall

    Savatage fucking rules too though, and I just remembered Rainbow also has a song by that title too which also rules!

    Any metal band that want to draw inspiration from the nordics outside of norse mythology are bound to stumble upon Grieg and Ibsen so that checks out.

  • the point is that you had to go out of your way to make brown bears sound more dangerous in order to try to get the W with that final paragraph you wrote there.

    I went out of my way to point out that bears are the friendly teddy bears you see on TV. Tourist Mauled by Brown Bear After Disastrous Attempt at Selfie (the woman woman was in a car and got away with help of her friend thankfully). A lot of people have distorted view of safety when it comes to approaching wildlife, be it a bear, bison or whatever.

    you just said that a majority of women are not of a healthy state of mind and you got to that conclusion by dramatizing the danger of the other option in the scenario.

    You’re putting words into my mouth, I never said that. I hand to heart believe that every person commenting on this post would choose a man over a brown bear if they actually had to go through it. Saying you’d choose the bear is obviously the “correct” answer so be in the cool group on the Internet as it got meme value, so I genuinely think people are either joking or fooling themselves. If someone called you and said there have been spotted 10 bears in your neighbourhood, you’d look your door and pray they don’t come knocking.

    If you forced people to go through the experience irl, someone with a trauma might panic when forced to choose (i.e. not in a healthy state of mind) and choose the statistically far more dangerous option.

    I’m being serious here. this was the first time I had ever heard of brown bears referred to not just as apex predators, but as THE apex predator on land. that’s a high bar.

    I have heard of polar bears as AN Apex predator

    Polar bears are marine animals so their competition is a bit different.

    I tried to look for a reputable source where brown bears were discussed as THE APRX PREDATOR ON LAND and I was unable to find one.

    It’s the largest land predator in the world, I meant nothing deeper than the fact they are one of the most dangerous animals a human can encounter on land. You’re also moving the goal post, your original comment claimed brown bears weren’t an apex predator at all, which is objectively wrong.