I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • Dude, it’s not my fault you got blinded by anger and lost sight of what we’ve been talking about here this whole time.

    A person implied Joe has gone full MAGA. I asked for examples. You started linking articles. Yes, you didn’t say that but you started defending the guy who did. If you don’t agree with the original claim then why the heck are you sending me those articles? If it wasn’t such an ridiculously easy claim to shoot down I wouldn’t even have bothered replying.

    Joe has not gone full MAGA. If you think he has then the burden of proof is on you - the person making the claim. If you don’t hold that belief then you’ve simply been wasting your time with this debate since the very beginning.

  • I know that Cybertruck rusting is a fun narrative but it’s also not true.

    Rust does indeed form on the surface of the body panels but it’s not the panels that are rusting. It’s the iron particles mostly from brake discs that are suspended in the air and land on the vehicle. These particles then react with the stainless steel causing rust to form. However this is just surface contamination which can be easily cleaned off. These same particles, called “fallout” get stuck to the paintjob of all cars and that’s why there are cleaning products specifically meant for getting rid of them. With other vehicles the rusting simply doesn’t occur due to the particles not making contact with metal because they have paint and clearcoat on them.

  • There’s literally thousands of hours of audio of him talking. If he’s full MAGA then it shouldn’t be hard to find dozens of clips that directly demonstrate this. And I mean directly - not ones that you need to perform mental acrobatics first to squeeze out the meaning from that one wants. Repeating some of the talking points only shows that he’s actually thinking about things instead of simply adopting the views of his side. If one agrees with none of the talking points of the opposing side then that’s frankly just a demonstration of their bias towards their own group. Any real independent thinker would have some views that align with the right and some with the left.

    It’s always amusing when people who don’t even listen to his podcast act as if they knew him better than the ones who do despite the fact that they’re getting their info from biased online articles when the other group gets it directly from the source. Once you actually listen the full episode and then compare it to the articles written about it it’s hilarious how disingenuously he’s being represented on the news. This applies to so many other podcasters as well. Joe’s been quite consistent in his views over the past 6 years or so. He definitely flirts with the right especially when accompanied with such quest but the claim about him having gone full MAGA is blatantly false.

  • Thorny_Insight@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldI swear it was real!
    16 days ago

    Nothing in that indicates he has gone “full MAGA” Even the article about him rather voting for Trump seems to focus more on Joe’s praise of Bernie Sanders.

    He’s basically saying that old age is affecting the mental capabilities of Biden more that Trump and given only these two options he’d rather vote for Trump who he then also called “crazy and a sociopath”. I don’t agree with the conclusion but I agree with the claim he’s making; Biden’s mental capabilities are clearly deteriorating at much faster pace that Trump. Neither of those two are fit for the job in my opinion.

    I just find it hilarious that people treat Joe as if he is some full blood concervative when he has voted democrat or independent his whole life and by most of his values would be labeled as liberal.

  • I don’t have rich parents nor am I rich myself but I get by and are more or less content with my finances. My secret was getting a training for a job where I work with my hands and now people that don’t want to get their hands dirty pay me a good amount of money to do it for them. I also don’t need to worry about AI/automation taking my job.

  • Thorny_Insight@lemm.eetopics@lemmy.worldPicture by Rob Hoeijmakers
    1 month ago

    Ofcourse it’s photoshopped. There are virtually no digital photographers who release unedited photos. There’s always adjustments done to exposure, shadows/highlights, contrast, white balance etc.

    However if you’re implying that it’s obvious to you that this has been faked then I’d love to hear your reasoning as I’m quite experienced photo editor myself and nothing stands out to me and I feel like my 15+ years of experience has trained me to spot such things.

    The only thing I’m noticing is the difference in the color of the sky behind the branches but that can probably be explained by the fact that this was likely taken with a smartphone and is due to it combining multiple exposures for higer dynamic range, commonly known as HDR.