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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I wasn’t joking.

    A good chunk of scam calls and texts come from people who themselves are victims of kidnapping. Many of those victims (primarily in Asia) got into the position they were in because they were looking for work, went to a different country to start a promised job, and then got trapped and forced to work for scam centers that do social engineering attacks.

    These scam centers are sophisticated to the point where they can develop very legitimate-looking crypto trading platforms for targets in the US and other wealthy countries. They then assign one of the kidnapped people to a target. These kidnapped people then social engineer their way for months to get what their captors want - usually money in the aforementioned trading platform. Then, they cut all contact once they have control of the funds.

    How does this relate to XZ? Well, if they can kidnap ordinary people looking for jobs, there’s not much stopping them from including devs in their pool of targets. Afterward, it’s just a rinse and repeat of what they’d done before.

    If you want to look more into pig butchering, John Oliver has a great episode on it.

  • Not necessarily. I am saying that instead of a video being 16:9 while containing a 16:10 clip, the video should be 16:9 for most of it and 16:10 for the segment with the clip. There would be fewer black bars during playback because the computer would interpret different frames of video as being in different aspect ratios.

  • The thing is each aspect ratio has its merits for productivity, so 16:9 can’t be an end-all be-all.

    Also, what I’m talking about is different from what you’re talking about. If source footage was shot in 2 aspect ratios, and both are used in a YouTube video or movie, it should be possible to label video segments with their correct aspect ratio. Right now, a single video can only have 1 aspect ratio, so if a video was formatted for 21:9 with some source footage being 16:9, if you were to watch that video on a 16:9 monitor, you’d see black bars on the top, bottom, left, and right of your screen despite the video segment being 16:9. If you watch WandaVision on a 16:9 or 4:3 monitor, you’ll understand what I mean.

  • medical insurance is a must, otherwise you are gambling and the chances to lose this bet are quite high.

    You can still have deep medical debt with good insurance. Saying otherwise is incredibly wrong and out of touch. This also ignores how good insurance is inaccessible to a good chunk of the population.

    funerals happen unexpected - when they actually absolutely do not. Everybody can be sure to die, so plan accordingly.

    Explain how someone who has 0 room in their budget after food, rent, and utilities can plan for the costs of a sudden death. The situation I described is incredibly common in America.

    • being “in deep credit card debt” is too late. One should never have swam out this far. Being “a tiny little bit in debt” should have the alarm bells blasting as financing is not self sustaining, “a tiny litte bit” is already much too late already because you’ve entered the spiral

    Please explain how to avoid credit card debt when basic necessities cannot be obtained with the income you have. Assume that you can’t get a 2nd job because of child or eldercare duties.

    • student debts - well, not everybody has to study. If you can’t afford it reflect on it, if you really must. And if yes, seek alternatives like leaving the country tht is hell-bent to enslave you in debt if you want to study, find sponsors, arrange it with your expectations about a longer time horizon, etc. You are not able to pay for it? Do not do it! Seek solutions.

    This would leave college inaccessible to the vast majority of students, especially from lower income families. Not going to college isn’t a solution when well-paying jobs require college degrees.

    Your “solutions” in 2024 are essentially blaming lower-income individuals for being lower income individuals. Oftentimes, these lower-income individuals are lower-income because they were born into lower-income families and had fewer opportunities to become wealthy as a result. In 2024, basic necessities are inaccessible to many Americans because their wages aren’t high enough to meet the rising costs of these basic necessities. Their choice is to either suffer without basic needs and be able to afford less and less because their wages remain stagnant or to make poor financial choices to be able to live. Yes, the US has safety-net programs to help lower-income individuals gain more opportunities. No, these programs are not enough because they are underfunded, and the funds allocated to them are mishandled. No, it is not easy for individuals to get out of deep poverty. No, “don’t make even a single financial mistake in your life or you’ll suffer for 70+ years” is not a solution.

  • I unironically wish that modern videos could change FPS, aspect ratio, and resolution on the fly. There’s way too many cases where having a 16:9 section of a video followed by a cinematic section is useful, and black bars are an awful way of transitioning between the two. Same can be said for vertical and horizontal ratios in the same video.