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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Compromises are useful when you want something. When your side is about to win you don’t blow up the organization unless you have a mental problem.

    Exactly. Like when the north was about to win the civil war, Lincoln allowed some slavery to be legal.

    Or when the allies were on the brink of victory, they went and allowed some concentraition camps to open again.

    Also, folding and voting against human rights to keep your hand on some property doesn’t sound like winning to me.

    Maybe you meant the Charlie Sheen kind of “winning”?

    Also, from what I can tell the gay bishops voted for the compromise. If they thought it was the right way to handle it, I am not going to shame them for it.

    I will! Fuck them, it was a shit decision, good job appeasing the regressives, well done guys.

  • This is exactly correct, except you’re also not accounting for the insane amount of computational power that would be necessary to backtrack a single output of a single model. This is why it is a black box. It simply is not possible on a meaningful level.

    It’s not practical, but it can be done. We simple don’t have the time or inclination to do it.

    It’s like like saying we don’t understand how an internal combustion engine works. Every explosion is a bit different, it pushes the pistons a bit less or more, it leaves a bit more or less residue in different places. We can’t backtrack and check every cycle and every part on a meaningful level, but we understand of it works, and we could do it if we wanted to. It’s just not practical.

    As an example from my field: if you damage the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in a fully grown adult, they will have the impulse control of a three-year old. We know this because we have observed damage to this area in multiple individuals, and can measure the effects based on the severity of that damage.

    Okay so explain how sudden savant syndrome works. Step by step, biochemical process by biochemical process.

    In contrast, if you provide the same billion-parameter neural network identical inputs, you will not receive identical outputs.

    If you take the same model, put it in a VM, give it an input, get an output and the restore the VM to the exact same state before and ensure there’s no randomness, the model will give you same output.

  • Again, we have the input, we have the math and code that make it work, we have the weights, we have everything.

    Would it take a lot of time to backtrack and check why we got a given output to an input? Yes, maybe an inordinate amount of time. But it can be done. It’s only black box because nobody has the time (likely years to decades) to wade through the layers of a finished model to check every node and weight.

    The whole thing at its core is mathematics. It’s a series of steps, that can be listed and reviewed each step of the way if we wanted. It’s just that if would take too much time.

    If what you said were true, we couldn’t reproduce models. And since we can…

    It isn’t an exact science, however.

    So if math and computer science isn’t an exact science, what is?

  • We know the input, we can set the model to save the weight in checkpoints during training and can view them any time, and we can see weights of the finished model, and we can see the code.

    If what you said about LLMs being completely black box were true, we wouldn’t be able to reproduce models, and each model would be unique.

    But we can control every step of the training process, and we can reproduce not just the finished model, but the model at every single step during training.

    We created the math, we created the training sets, we created the code and we can see and modify the weights and any other property of the model.

    What exactly do we not understand?

  • Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I’m a white cis guy and I should give up my ‘privileged’ to her. I told her to f off. My small business has been harassed by ‘woke’ activists who demand we give them money or they will say we are anti-black/lgbt+, etc. That’s not woke, that’s blackmail.

    That transwoman? Albertina Einstein.

  • SuddenlyBlowGreen@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlconservative physics
    1 year ago

    Did you miss the part where I said I wanted everyone to be treated equally?

    Yeah, well, whether you want it or not, that’s what is happening.

    You say you want everyone treated equally, but that’s clearly lip service only.

    You are the prime example of why “people” are fucking stupid. YOU are the reason I avoid people.

    Good. The less people like you we have around, the better.

    This isn’t the GOTCHA that you think it is.

    I just pointed out your hypocrisy, but it seems you’re too dumb to see it.


    Whoa, calm down snowflake, no need to get so triggered 🤣