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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Aging boomers are costing the healthcare system a lot of money. So there’s a need to increase tax revenue to cover the cost. When an immigrant comes to the country they immediately start working and therefore immediately starts paying taxes.

    A lot of it is down to how lopsided the demographics are with an overly high percentage of retired population.

    In economics you can’t solve one problem without creating others. But the problems solved are bigger than the problems created. And housing problems are a temporary problem. As boomers start dying off, the situation will correct itself, housing will be freed up and healthcare costs will decrease.

  • Yeah there were some animal rights people that ran out onto the field at a ballgame I was at. The fine for running onto the field is $5000. There were two of them, so that was $10,000.

    TV broadcasts don’t show people that run out onto the field since they don’t want to encourage it. So the only people that saw their banner were people at the ballpark. Someone shouted “get off the field you hippies” and the whole section laughed.

    They probably should’ve just donated the $10,000 to an animal shelter.

  • It’s just how internet activist groups work. Most people aren’t motivated to improve things for their cause, they’re motivated to prove to others in their group how zealous they are. The more outlandish and untrue the things they say are, the more they prove their loyalty to the cause and the more points they’ll get from others in the group.

    It’s the same pattern of behavior for every internet activist group. Whether it’s a vegan group, a socialist group, a MAGA group, an antivax group, Qanon, whatever. Promoting the cause doesn’t really matter, it’s about promoting yourself to others within the cause. Which is why you see insane lies about every kind of contentious issue. They aren’t trying to convince you, they’re trying to convince the others in the group how dedicated they are to the cause. “I’m willing to lie to help the cause!” gets a lot of points from the people already supporting the cause.

  • They did try to fix the Yennefer/Ciri relationship in S3.

    But it suffers from the same problem with the other seasons where the writers are too busy trying to be clever to just tell the story. Like they show a party where a bunch of random shit happens then they later show a bunch of flashbacks to explain what the hell happened. You can imagine them all congratulating themselves in the writer’s room on how brilliant they are to come with telling it that way.

    They introduced a new character who’s either a bad actress or poorly directed. Or both. There’s one scene where she’s holding a dead pheasant and I’m not sure if she was posing or waiting for the director to say “cut”. Either way it’s awkward and cringey as hell.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catopics@lemmy.worldNYC, USA - Today (OC)
    15 days ago

    Too many people in “alternative media” carrying water for a genocidal terrorist group that are rationalizing how Hamas not releasing hostages and not agreeing to a ceasefire is somehow Joe Biden’s fault.

    Hamas has signaled that their support in the west is influencing them to carry on with the war.

    I guess it’s difficult for an idealistic young person to face the possibility that they might be on the wrong side of things and are actually making things worse, not better. So they’re choosing delusion over reality.

  • RIP Phil Hartman. After he died the show wasn’t the same and it just kinda faded away. So it wasn’t a cult classic that got cancelled too soon kind of thing. But also not a show that ran more a long time.

    But one of favourite shows of all time. The cane episode was one the best half hours of TV of all time.

  • Yeah and a lot of the conspiracy theories were about things like bigfoot and UFOs. Stuff we saw on X-Files so none of it was all that serious. “I want to believe” and “the truth is out there” turned into “everything is a lie!” and “I want to burn down the government!”

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlHow American
    29 days ago

    The Guardians statues in Cleveland that their baseball team is now named after look Caucasian to me. So he could be pointing at a Cleveland Guardians Jersey and it’s essentially the same things.

    There’s also the Cavaliers, Celtics, the Fighting Irish, Canadiens, and many others in sports. The Fighting Irish seems to be perpetuating a negative stereotype. But none of these will be changed.

    Then there’s also names of groups like Pirates which could include other ethnicities but the logo shows a white person. There are many ethnicities that were pirates throughout history, but the Pittsburgh Pirate log shows a white guy.

    So that photo may not be as shocking or offensive as you think it would be. If there were a team called the Caucasians it wouldn’t actually offend anyone. Well I could foresee white supremacists taking a liking to a logo like that and that would be offensive. But not because of the logo itself but white supremacists ruining everything they associate themselves with. Kinda like Swastika was ruined as symbol.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against renaming sports teams and changing the labels on products and things like that. Just pointing out that the ultimate outcome is going to be a distinct lack diversity in these logos because the things that have white people representing it aren’t changed but things that have non-white people are changed. People will still be cheering for the Celtics in the future. People in Cleveland will cheer for the Guardians (white people) and the Cavaliers (also white people) but they won’t be cheering for Indians (because that’s disrespectful). I guess if that’s what we want it to be it’s fine, but seems a little weird that sports fans will only ever be cheering for white people in the future.

  • Atheism is bad for science because atheists tend tend to present science as a belief system that’s in completion with religion.

    Science is about discovering how things work, while religion is about thinking about why. These are different questions.

    There is of course some intersection between science and religion, but atheist seek to artificially widen that intersection to create conflict. To prove religion wrong “because science.”

    This has an effect of pushing religious people away from science. But atheists don’t care that they’re hurting science, because the goal is to win petty internet arguments (many of which are imaginary) rather than promote scientific understanding.

    My reaction to a post like the above would be to explain that science is not about disproving God, it’s simply about gaining a better understanding of the universe. Since it’s a religious person, we could also explain that understanding the universe is a way of appreciating God’s creation. That person could walk away thinking more positively about science and willing to learn more about it.

    But an atheist will just mock the person to gain imaginary internet points and that person would go on being distrustful of science.

    Atheism is bad for science.

  • Yeah, it’s in the third sentence of Richard Nixon’s wiki page where it’s stated he’s the only President to resign from office. First sentence was political positions he held, second sentence about events while he was President, third sentence about him resigning.

    So maybe the wikipedia page should follow that pattern and the first sentence be about positions he’s held. The second sentence should be about his record as president… so something about Trump being President at the start of the Covid Pandemic (that killed over a million Americans), passed legislation to cut taxes for the wealthy, assassinated an Iranian General, tried to weaken NATO, was impeached for withholding military aid from Ukraine for personal gain, and was impeached again for trying to overthrow the government after losing the election. Then in the third sentence it would say he was later convicted on falsifying documents while covering up a scandal so he could be elected.

    I feel like this would be fair.