Jojo, Lady of the West

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • you’re basically telling me I should consider myself a different race because random yankees think I am?

    Race doesn’t really exist*. No one can tell you you’re a race you don’t think you are

    *I mean it exists, but it’s a social construct that only has any meaning because we give it meaning culturally. Any person with a particular racial identity, in a different cultural context, could have a different racial identity. Would have a different racial identity, most likely. But that doesn’t mean the concept is meaningless, just that its meaning is derived from its use, rather than the other way around.

  • Whatever kind of energy was kept in mind as a unit was developed, all units of energy “are a measure” of the same thing: energy. And also work because that’s actually just energy. They’re just different sized units like cm vs inches or °F vs °C.

    A fathom was designed to measure how deep water is, but nothing is stopping me from saying that a football field is 50 fathoms long. A calorie was designed to measure heat, but nothing stops me from saying it takes about 5 calories of work to compress a bike spring.

    The reason we have the SI is that once you understand how all the different units for one quantity interact, and how they’re related to the units for another quantity, we may as well just make them interact simply and stick to one unit for each quantity to reduce confusion.

  • That whole article you linked is about convincing you to be optimistic.

    Yes, the world is awful. But it is so much better than it ever was before, and we have proven that we have the means to make it so much better still.

    Even if all we did was get everyone up to the standard of living where they experience first-world problems, that still means making the world so much better than it was. And we can make the world even better than that. Even if you’re pessimistic, you should still be optimistic.

  • They are realities that need to be dealt with if we made the ethical decision to not consume animal products anymore.


    It’s kind of just whataboutism. I don’t really have a horse in this race, but I find it somewhat unlikely that most reasonable people are suggesting every human immediately stop eating animal products forever. A transition to a world where people eat less of them doesn’t need us to figure out how to feed the people of Longyearbyen right now.

  • How do people afford food when they don’t live in a place that can grow it? How do we ensure we can continue to grow food when we are so dependent on chemicals to do so? How does a developing country support agriculture without the huge subsidies currently required in developed nations? How do you educate 8 billion people on how to properly get the nutrients they need from new sources of food? How do convince society that GMOs aren’t bad?

    Almost all of those are just straight up the same problems that already exist in the current system though?