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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Polar bears will in fact just kill you and eat you. Grizzlies, very likely to be territorial. Black bears are the most “cowardly”, but all three will fuck you up to protect their young, hence why the season matters.

    I haven’t exactly done the math on relative bear populations to tell you if your odds are better with a random bear or a random man, but it doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t consider any of my statements valid even if I wrote a whole ass thesis.

  • Okay, but only if we compromise and you give me “balls in belt sander” level difficulty in casual games too. None of this skyrim “just double the enemy HP and damage” crap either, I want to be fighting for my fucking life trying to avoid tom nook’s bankruptcy beam.

  • https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/andrew-jackson-national-debt-reaches-zero-dollars

    TLDR: the last time someone that didn’t understand economics paid off the national debt, it didn’t end well.

    If there is a finite amount of money you can print before suffering the effects of inflation, deficit spending allows you to increase the amount of money in circulation without just printing more. If I owe you 100 trillion dollars, you owe Japan 100 trillion dollars, and Japan owes me 100 trillion dollars, this is good for the economy. Yes, it probably sounds like voodoo magic. No, I’m not qualified to help with that.

    Now, there is still an upper limit on how much debt is okay, generally tied to interest rates. We’re beginning to scratch that upper limit thanks to deficit spending during covid, but it’s by no means problematic and things would overall probably have been worse without the extra spending.

  • Holy shit you tankies are on so much copium it’s hilarious.

    The dust bowl and the holodomor did not, in fact, coincide. They occured in seperate years, for separate reasons, and shockingly you seem to have excluded the drastically lower death rates of the dust bowl and the american great depression as a whole? It was terrible and caused great unnecessary suffering, but there’s no parallel to the intentional deaths of millions.

    Like come on, the Bengal famine is RIGHT THERE for you to make some sort attempt at a valid argument, but you just have to go “AMERIKA BAD >:(“ every two milliseconds.

    Both the Bengal Famine and the Holodomor have at least one major fact in common. You’d have to be a complete idiot to be either the British or Soviet government and not realize your response will lead to the deaths of millions. I don’t think Churchill or the brits were idiots, and as undeniably terrible as Stalin was I don’t think the inevitable death of millions of ukranians was something he could overlook either.

    You mouth breathers always act so goddamn smug about the utter nonsense spewing out of your ass.