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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • You really like the black and white arguments, don’t you?

    Controlling a source of money doesn’t mean the only option is to print so much of it that inflation eats the whole economy.

    Let me ask you this: if the US is so bad at managing the debt it owes to its people, how come we have functioned as an economy under that debt for the last several decades?

  • Let’s go a step further and analyze exactly what this graph is saying:

    There’s only about a 20% distribution difference in the “never” sections between Christians and atheists. So on average, 4/5 atheists would answer the exact same as Christians. All this graph says is that Christians are barely more tolerant than people who identify as atheist. Barely is the key word. If anything, this graph proves that tolerance levels don’t fluctuate that much for the individual between differing religions.

    But Bible thumpers need any win they can get, so they don’t read the data for what it is, they just see one bar longer than the other and declare victory.