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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Uh… what about the people actually paying the tip? How on earth is it beneficial for the person paying more money for the level of service they should be getting regardless? How is that extra $3 more important to the server than to the person losing it?

    This is the crux of the argument. You’d be paying this anyway, because servers won’t take the job for less money. No matter how you slice it, you’re spending this same amount of money.

    You’re fine with some industries getting minimum wage, you just think you personally deserve more

    I currently make over 6 figures and am no longer serving, because I’m nearing 40, so yes obviously some jobs are worth more than others.

    I hope one day you learn to redirect your frustration to the cheap ass boss who thinks an hour of your sweat is worth $2 so he can keep the other $8

    This is not how any business works, much less restaurants.

  • You’re not in favour of tipping because it’s the morally right thing to do, or because you altruistically support hard workers. You’re in favour of it because you personally make a shit ton more money.

    I’m in favor of it because it helps everyone involved. There is no one that tipping is bad for.

    This is really the heart of it. I’m sorry but no role is more deserving of tips than another. Everyone deserves a living wage paid by their employer.

    All wages are paid by consumers. If the price of going to a restaurant increases by 25% and servers aren’t tipped, I assure you that every person involved is having a worse experience

    People will go to restaurants less, more restaurants will fail, fewer people will work as servers, and they’ll work longer hours (similar to BOH). You can see this played out in countries that do not tip - and also with jobs like catering that generally do not focus on topping for service.

    What won’t happen is the restaurant owners themselves won’t be paying servers more from their own pocket. This is also observable anywhere tipping isn’t a thing

    Idk what meme or podcast or whatever convinced people that tipping culture is bad, but absolutely none of the arguments make any sense. If they did, I could be persuaded, but most points are just completely ignorant of the reality of working in a restaurant and the rest seem like they’re specifically designed to manipulate you.

    It’s on employers to pay their employees a fair wage

    This one being the most obviously manipulative

  • Servers make vastly more than min wage. I generally had $0 paychecks because taxes were higher than my hourly

    It’s not about pity. It’s a socially accepted standard of certain service roles. Servers are generally against removing tipping because they make more by being tipped than they would hourly.

    For every person that tips small, someone will inevitably tip over the expected value, generally more often than not. A flat 18% upcharge on food to pay for a server is generally robbing the server.

  • Their employer is treating them like a tipped employee, which is so embedded into society’s fabric that we have a separate tax code for it.

    You not liking that is not any different from you liking a given law. You’re free to not participate, but expect there to be consequences, and one of those is for people to assume you’re intentionally being an asshole, not protesting a perceived injustice.

  • SCB@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldfr fr ong
    6 months ago

    See people say this like it’s Black vernacular but dont recognize that it’s just urban vernacular. Urban vernacular changes frequently because there’s more people around. The internet adopts it quickly, and it spreads from there, as the actual initial definition of a memetic concept.

    There’s a reason society as a whole doesn’t co-opt rural Black vernacular, and it’s because it isn’t actually racially-based.

  • SCB@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTaking for granted
    6 months ago

    Every career job I’ve ever left has included my manager helping me to secure a higher position at the new job. I disliked some of those managers.

    A big part in learning how to be successful is learning when it’s worth it to be petty and when you should just take your money.