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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • You shat in the middle of the room, calling everyone names, and when everyone get annoyed you don’t get to get on the high horse my guy.

    You’re the one that made the unprovoked comment on how your favourite unit is better. You’re the one that called people nerds for some reason. You spent hours replying to dozens of people and you call people unhinged? Have you looked in the mirror? You’re literally doing what you’re making fun of me for doing but tenfold my friend. You’re the one that started saying your team is better for no reason. And when people point out you made no sense you make fun of people for replying? Are you okay?

    Do you honestly think you’re winning? You’re trolling people? Trolling used to take effort back in my day. know what, it’s my fault. People always say you shouldn’t argue with dumb ass because they’ll drag you down to their level and win with experience. I voluntarily touched the poop.

    Stay mad lmao

  • Too much of your identity is wrapped up in being able to talk temperature in multiples of ten, people.

    Wtf are you talking about? You’re the one that brought up how your favourite unit is superior, and we’re the one that has our identity wrapped up in something?

    Chill out. Maybe something near 42 degrees. Sorry, meant to say 5.6 degrees for the nerds in here.

    Do you know how math works? Of course you’re gonna end up with decimals when you’re starting from F. Why don’t you chill out at 11? Oh, I mean 51.8 you narcissistic swine.