Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

  • 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldFuck both of us
    6 days ago

    So, a derringer is a small pistol, usually with two shots, made for close-range self-defense. Normally they use, well, pistol rounds, like a 9mm, which has like, 700 joules of energy or someshit like that. When you fire a lightweight gun, you definitely get some kickback from it, even with a pistol round.

    A 45-70 is a big-ass rifle round with something like 4000 joules of energy behind it. You uh, you put that in a little derringer and pull the trigger, both you and your target are gonna feel it.

    This also might help put it into perspective

  • So… what happens when there’s multiple customers shopping at the same time?

    You have to get things yourself. Don’t work him like a dog!

    I think this is BS, quite frankly. But it’s nice to think about it being real.

    I mean, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be real insofar as a local hardware store has a dog, and the dog likes to help (or ‘help’) customers by carrying things and keeping near them until they reach the checkout.

  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldNon-negotiable
    10 days ago

    This dog has interrobangs and semi-colons in his head.

    Translation: “Furthermore; it is necessary to the security of the household that you allocate unto me a portion of all baked, cooked, or roasted goods that pass herein. For should I waste for want of sustenance, there would be no watch at the door; no bold guard to prevent the trespass of wicked men into the holdfast of our fair clan. And what could such a trifling price be, but rightfully rendered payment to a hound most virtuous and fair; indeed, such a payment is ennobling, even, to bursar and beneficiary alike!”

    Dog Mind: “;;;”