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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • Yeah! The practice is called drive shucking (kinda like Oysters) and you just need to be considerate of the limitations. The drives often end up cheaper, but lose warranty support once they’re shucked. They’ll also occasionally be slower than a normal drive or have an odd connector, but that is rare since it’s usually cheaper to go with something ‘off the shelf’. If you Google it though you should usually be able to find the handful of drive SKUs they’ll use in whatever external you’re planning to shuck.

  • Morals and principles are all good and dandy until you’re staring down daddy Google (who can take millions in losses without blinking an eye) offering you a choice between a large check or competition with a business entity that doesn’t need to be profitable . There’s not a lot of people in the world who could stand up to that, even fewer so that would want to when the alternative is a worry free life sitting on whatever millions Google paid you while sipping Mai Tais on your private island.