Tbh, is it really pirating if I bought the game and wanted to play it on a different unofficial platform?
I understand the main thing was Yuzu was apparently offering builds that work with unreleased games (which how tf does that work) via Patreon, but if the game’s been released and I bought it, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to download a ROM or even dump my own and play it on an emulator that offers better performance.
“Now, there’s this one thing that keeps puzzlin’ me, Mr. Godzilla… if your shoe size was 500 like you said it was, and you said you weren’t stompin’ over in New York City in 1998… then who else could have a shoe size of 500 stompin’ all over New York City? Couldn’t have been Mecha-Godzilla, nobody’s seen since him since ‘93.”