Happy [object Object] birthday!
A rare shot showing sandworms forming a pattern known as OwO.
Now don’t look at the lamp next to your sofa too closely.
// TODO: Leave the code cleaner than you found
Yeah, I mean platforms accessible without so many hoops to jump through.
It’s believed that Glassdoor’s business model is to charge companies for removing bad reviews. So how much value can the rating provide is questionable in the first place.
Personally, for big companies, there are always people writing their work experiences on an open platform. For small companies, it’s unlikely to find a relevant review, if any, on Glassdoor anyway. So I never bothered to use it.
The true fediverse: in JPEG we trust.
You are literally designed to eat craps found on the ground.
Comments on toilets of France, England, and Germany by Slavoj Zizek: https://youtube.com/watch?v=8mtZmBvat4k
Another good bit (not in the video) is that Zizek thinks that’s why Germans can endure great pain and sacrifices for an ideal…if you are strong enough to observe your shit for health reasons, there’s nothing you can’t do!
Well, that already happened for Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Philip K. Dick’s early novella The Gun describes this, but instead of chat bots, they were auto nuclear weapons.
They are also band names.
Let me introduce you to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Let me simplify it: proceeds to print the same expression
Das Capital.