• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I think what you’re talking about doing is quite difficult, and there will be a lot of obstacles in your way. You’re proposing:

    1. Circumventing the API fees, which is something that ChatGPT would definitely not like, and they will make it as difficult as possible. You’re not the only one trying to avoid paying for this very popular service.

    2. Crawling the entire contents of each page with a bot, which is another thing that websites do NOT want you to do. There are only a handful of RSS readers that do this, and they’re paid, closed-source, proprietary apps. And even those probably don’t work on certain websites.

    I’m not saying it’s impossible, just that you have chosen a very difficult path here. If you’ve never developed an app before, start with a smaller, simpler project.

  • Right, a KVM’s usefulness is narrow and you’re ideally using it as a sort of backup to a backup of critical systems. That means you usually only hear about them in server environments, and that means that sysadmins pay a LOT of money for enterprise-grade KVMs.

    But it’s very cool that we can build a dirt cheap, half-decent KVM out of a Pi nowadays. I might have just left mine running if I there wasn’t a Pi shortage; I wanted that Pi for other stuff.

  • It’s good for critical systems that you might need to reboot and do things like see the BIOS (which you can’t see if you’re using a normal VNC-type remote access solution). It’s probably not necessary for most setups, but it can be very useful in certain situations. I made one myself, then literally never used it, and I’m now using that Pi in a different project.

  • If you want privacy and control over who sees your stuff, I’d look into storage platforms that support live video playback, rather than video platforms. And if you have a LOT of videos, you’ll likely end up paying a small amount per month.

    If you’re sharing videos that don’t have any copyright concerns or issues, then something like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box should work.

    If you want something FOSS, I’d say you’re limited to self-hosting with something like NextCloud, OwnCloud, or SeaFile. A more plug-and-play (but not FOSS) self-hosting option would be a Synology NAS.

  • PeachMan@lemmy.onetoTechnology@lemmy.mlMadison Reeves on why she left LMG
    11 months ago

    No, because you’ve posted SEVENTEEN TIMES today simping for Linus. You keep repeating “wait for both sides” even though Linus already responded directly to the GN piece and his response was GARBAGE, which is the main reason a lot of people are unsubscribing. Madison’s problem isn’t the only issue, it’s just another thing we’re throwing onto the pile.

    If this was a male employee you wouldn’t be arguing this hard with the accusations.