Oof I feel bad for his partner had no idea he was in pairs from the way he’s been talked/meme’d about…
Oof I feel bad for his partner had no idea he was in pairs from the way he’s been talked/meme’d about…
Most Olympic athletes are young and wear fashion athletic clothes donated by endorsers who help pay them. In addition in the shooting category you’re (as I understand it) allowed a certain amount of tech to help you out. This man is older, didn’t wear the endorsed fashion clothes or the tech and won gold silver so he feels like a rare “every man” win in the Olympics. He is not an “every man” (believe he’s a decorated military and police man in his country), but a lot more people can relate to him winning gold silver than a 14 year old who’s been training for this since diapers in a fashion house outfit.
We’ve got a lot of reposts though I am working on a write-up of that time a Japanese romance comic had a black heroine’s reward be “you turn white”…
Not sure which party, but I’ve been getting the same notice in the mail every ~3 days with this message and my voting record listed all the way back to 2016 for the past two weeks. Honestly not sure if it’s an attempt to intimidate me to vote a certain way because it sure is going beyond “people will know if you voted” to kind of insinuating they’ll know who I vote for. Fail point is I don’t know acronyms for political groups so I’m not sure which one they’re trying to get me to vote for lol