Based Count head admin.

Some of the tools I’ve created:

I speak: 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 🇫🇷

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Interesting. Like I said in another comment in Italian it means exactly what I said. From the first line on the topic on Italian wikipedia:

    A vasistas (also written wasistas) is a type of window that is also opeaneable on the inside […]. The system allows the door to rotate down and the opening is delimited by special stops, called opening delimiters.

    But apparently, after reading the French wikipedia page they use that word for something else. So it appears that we did steal the word from them, but used it to describe something different.

  • There’s plenty of applications that aren’t critical enough to require precise memory management and where a GC is a worthy tradeoff for the simplicity that Go brings to the table, but sure, if you are interested in going super low level that’s what you are left to work with.

    And it’s probably fine. If I had to pick between C++ and Rust I would choose the latter any day of the week but thankfully not every developer has to go that low.

  • No. Unfortunately it only works with storages on object storages like S3 buckets, not with filesystem storages. Meaning it access the files remotely one at a time from the bucket, downloading them over the internet (I assume, I didn’t make this).

    But the more important thing is that, as it states in the readme, no files get saved to your disk, they only stay in your RAM while they are being processed and everything is deleted right after. This is relevant because even having had CSAM on your disk at some point can put you in trouble in some countries, with this tool it never happens.

    Which btw is the same reason why mounting the pict-rs folder to your local computer is probably not a good idea.