• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • As others pointed out, a lot of factors would go into this decision. How many working hours can she normally put in if the average client only pays for an hour? How much time does she have to spend cleaning herself up between? How much risk is there in taking a new client?

    Its pretty similar to working freelance compared to a paycheck. If I wanted to go on my own as a freelancer I could probably charge 2-3x my hourly salary rate as a freelancer. But I’d have to hunt for my next meal. I’d have to figure out all my 1099s. I’d have to change stragies to get new clients… Or I can just work my current corpo job making an OK salary but always know I have a paycheck coming and insurance.

  • Yes I’m implying student logic is only applicable in contexts where a teacher has laid out a test for you to intuit.

    Student logic doesn’t apply when you have to come up with a new idea to an actual problem that exists in the real world.

    There is value to learning student logic. It shows creativity. It shows a level of understanding of the material and how to be a teacher. But it’s not the same as learning the material.

  • Yeah I mean in some cases it’s not hard to surmise. Given the context (class, diagram) and how many numbers you have assigned, what formulas are available to you, you might be able to guess the teacher shoved the numbers into the wrong formulas to create the incorrect answers. For some classes simply supplying nearby numbers to the correct response might not be “real” enough.

    Student logic is certainly a thing, but I can’t image it much help for the complexity shown in the meme. Basic geometry or math word problems as found in biology or statistics? Yeah sure

  • Pretty easy to do in excel. Or on a napkin.

    I bought my Honda Civic about 9 years ago for, let’s just say 20k including interest on the loan. I could look more into it, but let’s say $500 a year on average for service and $1000 a year on insurance. Gas has been pretty constantly $3/gal and mileage at 30 miles per gallon so that’s ten cents a mile. Driven 110,000 miles so that’s $11,000 in gasoline.

    So all and all ownership has been about 20k+4.5k+9k+11k or $45,000 divided by 110,000 miles.

    That’s about 40 cents a mile. Woooo! I’m probably under estimating the service costs as they have really escalated recently. The IRS says it costs 55 cents a mile to service a car. So yeah. You shouldn’t think of any short trip as free. It probably costs 50 cents to drive every mile.

  • Humor IS a quality though. Human voters are able, in aggregate, able to award certain types of humor. Which an LLM is not able to. Which gets recycled with no context, as fact.

    The internet would be a vastly different place if sarcasm and in jokes were not regarded as a type of “quality” content.