The famous Cheshire Cat
Cryptography nerd
The famous Cheshire Cat
You need to set up a publicly accessible device (in this case the VPS) as your IPv6 gateway
So you set up your VPN connecting your network to the VPS (should probably be set up from the router) and set your router to advertise an IP adress for the VPS which is routable from your local network as the gateway address (and should probably also run DHCPv6 for your network)
(note, I have not set up this stuff myself so I can’t help with implementation details)
Small animals bounce, medium animals break, big animals splash
(FYI, do not look up examples)
Clustering algorithms plus a focus on keeping your attention (watch time), not on quality
The topic and creator based clustering of multiple interests will pollute that anyway, because they don’t care about precision and just care about keeping your attention
I have watch history turned off precisely to avoid getting personal recommendations because they have always sucked for me
And the current right wing government is looking closely at US republicans in particular
The year that the world ended
It’s super easy to detect change of product category and a bunch of other similar major changes. Especially now with ML classifiers, it’s even easier. They could automatically lock the page and require review
The high frequency of the gamma radiation mostly ignores the relatively thin lens material, you have to be very very close for the geometry of the sensor and source and their alignment to significantly impact the noise in the image
Cinnamon powder challenge
Robots can definitely flip burgers.
Some can even do it twice!
Exclusively using Discord as a support channel should get you banned from the internet
An application password, basically
You’re in luck, that joke is cheesy
Most hard cheeses don’t have much lactose
Honk if anything
Technically it’s not the resolution that changes, but the optics (unless you want to bring out the fancy math and treat it as a sampling resolution thing based on smallest recognizable detail)