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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • MrsDoyle@lemmy.worldtopics@lemmy.world[OC] My weird hand
    3 days ago

    I hope this sets off a whole chain of people posting pictures of their truly weird hands.

    For what it’s worth my own right hand has bad arthritis, every finger is wonky in its own special way, also the thumb. And I’m old, so it’s all veiny and speckled with liver spots. No, you’re not getting a photo.

  • Huh, I did not know that. Thanks! I was in a discussion over lunch the other day about chemistry - one woman revealed she was a chemistry teacher, which prompted an anti-science member of the group to scoff, “What relevance does chemistry have in daily life?” I gave cooking as a prime example of chemistry - cakes rise, sauces reduce, roasts brown. And now I can emulsifying to the list!

  • Last year my email address - initialslastname@gmail.com - was added to the group list for a bunch of old ladies in England. First I was advised of my spot on the flower roster for the church, then I got someone’s holiday photos, a reminder that Gerald’s birthday was on the 9th, a lovely eCard congratulating me on my wedding anniversary… on and on.

    I tried deleting them but they kept coming, and I worried about all the cool stuff initialslastname was missing out on. I sent an email to the whole group saying stop it & got a heartfelt apology and promises to correct it, but the emails have kept on coming - they all have me in their address books now. If I wasn’t so lazy it would be a good incentive to move fully to my proton address.

  • I know a couple of blokes like this. Great stories, but pleeeease I have things to do. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was a conversation but it’s a monologue, with barely room for a “good grief” or “oh gosh”. One of my friends now just says “I’m off, bye” and walks out, in the middle of a story about crocodiles in the Zambezi or whatever.

  • The one eclipse I saw was in cloud, and I was surprised at how intense the experience still was. At the moment of totality, all the light seemed to suck away quite suddenly, even though it had obviously been getting darker gradually. It felt very eerie and a little frightening.

    I was in Cornwall in the UK, and the amusing thing was seeing the sparkle of people’s camera flashes going off all along the stretch of coast. I’d love to see those photos. “This might look like a picture of a fence taken at night, but trust me, it was 11am in summer…”