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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • Not quite a gun but close.

    …Luckey said he turned to a more rudimentary but no less horrifying method of three explosive charges he usually uses “for a different project” (which he did not elaborate on) attached to the headset essentially like gun barrels. The charges are connected to a photo sensor that detects when the headset’s screen flashes red at a certain frequency during a “game over” display. Once that happens, “the charges fire, instantly destroying the brain of the user.”

    The visuals remind me of that homemade suicide helmet that used a bunch of shotgun shells. That thing creeps me out from the amount of conscious effort the person put into building a device to end their life, it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing.

  • I just went through this process when I got a Dreame D10 Plus which has an identical root process as the L10s a few weeks ago with the intent of putting Valetudo on it. I ended up trying but failing after one of the header pins I was trying to flash it with broke off in the machine. If you are brand new to this stuff, personally I wouldn’t recommend trying it. If you still want to try, do not update the robot once you get it and either buy one of the programming boards or at the very least have some 2mm pitch header pins around (standard in NA is 2.54mm). I really wanted to run mine locally as well (don’t like the idea of someone gaining access to a full lidar map and remote controlled camera in my house) and hope in the future an easier method is discovered. I don’t know about the base station for each floor thing, I do know that Valetudo only supports a single map. From what I understand that means you’ll have to re-map each floor before cleaning. If you only want Home Assistant intergration there is a HACS intergration for Dreame that allows for multiple maps. You used to have to jump thorough some hoops and use it with Xaomi cloud or something but the newest beta allows sign-in using the Dreame app credentials.