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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlCheckmate Valve
    10 hours ago

    Lutris is cool! It definitely streamlines the process of running things with WINE.

    It could have gone through some major changes since I’ve tried it, but I found Heroic to be just a bit more plug-and-play in the sense that it handled the fancy Galaxy stuff like auto-updates, play-time stats, achievements, and cloud saves.

    Literally just click install and go, like a drop-in replacement for Galaxy.

    I also like that you can choose a Linux build (if it exists) or a windows-with-Proton approach depending on the game.

    The only game issue I had was Undertale’s Linux build that had a bit of dependency hell and wouldn’t start…so flipping it to EXE-with-Proton worked like a charm.

    Coolest part though? You can totally have both.

    I’d personally use Lutris for things like old games that aren’t from digital platforms, or for RetroArch.

    I like Heroic for managing cloud saves and handling achievements with GoG titles.

    Either way, both are viable and you’ll get your games running somehow! Just different approaches. No harm in seeing which you like most!

    Random ProTip while we’re at it: If you couch game, you don’t need to give that up with Linux either! Steam Link can be its own separate program from Steam itself, so it runs a lot leaner. If you have an Nvidia card you can also check out Sunlight/Moonlight for game streaming.

    We truly live in exciting times. Happy gaming. :)

  • One time I was in a really run-down thrift store looking for anything neat that stood out. A random guy asked how I was doing and y’know, I tried to be genuine enough, but in return he gave what is now one of my favorite replies:

    “Too blessed t’be stressed!”

    The delivery of it was like he actually meant it. Like he was just enjoying his day lookin’ at stuff and nothing could bother him.

    It’s a good outlook, y’know… especially because at the time I was in a miserable job and often used the “Been better” and “I’m here.” Responses because I just didn’t have much else in me.

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.todaytomemes@lemmy.worldThe cycle of pants continues
    8 days ago

    My secret is I’ve been wearing BDUs and other kinds of surplus tactical/cargo pants since like highschool. Much as I despise the Mil-Ind-Com, some old G.I gear lasts a lifetime of use. It’s made to resist rips and scrapes too.

    Not only are they roomy and utilitarian, they’re often much more breathable than thick jeans in summer. (And what’s with jean pockets?!?) They don’t particularly stand out unless you wanna have a fun pair like black and white “urban camo” or sky blue or purple or something.

    It puts everything I use in arm’s reach, too.

    …Oh and you’re not paying out the nose for some stupid logo embroidered on the buttocks.

    I just avoid currently-issued stuff so nobody mistakes me for a servicemember or something. That’d be awkward.

    Otherwise, for everyday life thankfully they’re somewhat trend-immune, style-wise.

    Just be aware of the blends. Old-style stuff might be much more cotton-based and breathable, for instance (but less durable). Polyester+Ripstop is pretty nice and durable but a bit coarse.

    But there was a bit of a kerfuffle over the Navy trying to be trendy with that digital “blueberry” camo… apparently that crap melted pretty bad when exposed to fire. . .on a navy ship. Yeah. Yikes. (Not to mention blending in with the ocean if someone went overboard. Yay?)

    Whoops. There’s my pants-rant.

    Oh, and I’m SO HAPPY flare-cuts are coming back because my wife rocks them. Hope that trend lasts a while.

    …otherwise “fast fashion” needs to die as quick as it goes out of style…

  • Yeah, across the whole country even, I think people have been discouraged from reading in general. (Heck, it’s hard to feel like you have time to just sit and read a book…Audiobooks FTW…)

    But I’m convinced this recent anti-library culture-war push is absolutely just a big PsyOp by private and public owner-class types.

    Making it about drag queens and racy books on the surface is an easy way to rile up the uneducated, to remove public free access to information without commercial motive.

    Further discouraging education by cutting off access to cultural and community events, outreach, and collections is a great way to isolate people back down to consumer-individuals and grow the hate-base.

    Libraries are absolutely under attack for being easy targets too, you’re right. And often from the inside! Our local library district has an immensely corrupt board and executive staff. It’s likely seen as an easy stepping stone to pad a resume for big CEO jobs or public office. They can get away with a lot without many people really looking too hard…

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    14 days ago

    It has nothing to do with fun, they just want the carrot being dangled in front of their nose.

    This might explain the marketing that seemed to start with mobile games and now infects AAA MP titles:


    Like…a newcomer would have zero idea what the heck they’re even talking about but somehow it seems to work, to entice players with worthless free…server database adjustments?

    Hardly any focus is on the games being unique or exciting (Surprise, they aren’t!) It’s all about a reward-based impulse, like training a bunch of rodents to use a casino.

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    14 days ago

    Dang, I was really hoping this would be one of those stories that goes like:

    “How long will that take?”

    “It’s a lot of data…like a month?” (But I actually wrote a Python script that compiles and formats it perfectly in like 5 minutes.)

    “You’re such a hard worker!”

  • Something I’ve seriously considered is how you can just add a hose and nozzle “bum gun” to your existing toilet water supply valve and you just need to affix a little mount for it on the wall. Hardware stores have kits for this that aren’t particularly expensive.

    It’s definitely much cheaper than a whole porcelain piece of furniture or one of those fancy seats that probably wants access to your Wi-Fi and an account subscription. XD

    I noticed my in-laws had these things while we were house sitting for them, and dared to try it out. Weird at first, but(t) AMAZING.

  • Correct. Grease down the drain is simply not based.

    Everyone from neighbors to sewage workers to the environment will have to put up with it.

    Even with our grievances against the ownership of some things, I think we should all be agreeing with “Don’t crap (or otherwise ruin) where you eat.” Or has the world really reached such a point of madness where that idea is contested too?