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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • YYYY.MM.DD and 24 hour for sure.

    Everyone using UTC? Nah. Creates more problems than it solves (which are already solved, because you can just lookup what time it is elsewhere, and use calendars to automatically convert, etc.).

    I for one do not want to do mental gymnastics /calculation just to know what solar time it is somewhere else. And if you just look up what solar time it is somewhere, we’ve already arrived back at what we’re already doing.

    Much easier just looking up what time (solar) time it is in a timezone. No need to re-learn what time means when you arrive somewhere on holiday, no need for movies to spell out exactly where they are in the world whenever they speak about time just so you know what it means. (Seriously, imagine how dumb it would be watching international films and they say: “meet you at 14 o’clock”, and you have no idea what solar time that is, unless they literally tell you their timezone.)

    Further, a lot more business than currently would have to start splitting their days not at 00:00 (I’m aware places like nightclubs do this already).

    Getting rid of timezones makes no sense, and I do not understand why people on the internet keep suggesting it like it’s a good idea.

  • Physiotherapists use a form of acupuncture called dry needling, which can be used to trigger muscle twitching/relaxation (I’m not really super knowledgeable on it, I’ve just been to the physio, who use this in combination with massage, specific exercises etc)

    It’s certainly not placebo

    As for all the other claims made, I dunno.

  • (Below is my opinion, I respect you have yours, and I’m not having a go at you. I just want to take part in the discourse friendo!)

    To me, if they wanted to store it in my area by encasing it now (or, any time in like the last 40 years), I wouldn’t mind either.

    The issue that isn’t fear-mongering that people continually overlook because of all the knee-jerking people lamenting that it’s “unsafe”, is that we then have to maintain containment for thousands upon thousands of years.

    That’s the issue, permanent storage, not all the temporary storage that is happening now.

    Nuclear is not a great solution to immediately reducing emissions, in my opinion. Takes way too much capital and way too much time to get operational. Don’t close still operating plants, but damn, we need to be building the fastest shit possible, right now. Not something that takes a decade to build. We have solutions ready, governments just aren’t getting their act together and build it. Even if the business-case doesn’t make complete sense; we don’t have time.

    Sand batteries, liquid air energy storage, lithium ion batteries, flow batteries, (plus a bunch of other contenders) they’re all immature technologies but they do work right now, anywhere, no terrain for pumped-hydro required. Sure they’re not very efficient, or have crap lifespan in the case of Li-ion, but solar plants literally aren’t being built in some places because prices go negative during the day, and plants are being curtailed.

    We need to build storage, now, even if it’s not a silver bullet. And we can’t wait for expensive-as-fuck nuclear.

    Someone should call me when we decide re-enriching spent nuclear fuel is fine and we can do nuclear waste recycling, actually getting our money’s worth. Or when thorium gets good.

    My personal opinion conclusion:

    • Nuclear waste is not immediately that concerning for safety, it’s the fact we’re signing up to store it for longer than recorded history.
    • It’s expensive and takes to long to build
    • The technology needed for the energy transition already exists
    • Also agree, that turning off operating nuclear doesn’t make sense.

    Thanks for reading, looking forward to hearing people’s thoughts.

  • I think it’s naive to think that the imperial core will stop with the needless wars simply because oil is no longer the hot commodity. There’s always perverse interests to use the military for power projection and resource control.

    Under your current voting system, this will never change.

    I for one, refuse to be shipped off in our generation’s tribute to America. Our government (Australia) is still the US’ vassal state.

  • MisterFrog@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIntrovert translator
    2 months ago

    Thank you. This is such a breath of fresh air. In all cases I prefer a simple answer, when organising an event with multiple people where I want to get ideas on numbers for planning.

    • Yes - great! See you there

    • No (with or without a reason) - fantastic! We’ve all got our own stuff going on or reasons why we don’t want to go!

    • Maybe, with a reason why, or when you would be able to give an answer - cool!

    • Maybe, with no further explanation - ugh. I’ll just assume you’re not coming and don’t care.

    Maybe with no explanation is the cowards way out. Especially when “no sorry, I’m busy!” is the standard white lie.

    “No because I don’t want to (don’t feel socially up to it)” is the hero’s response and I salute you 🫡