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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m sure it varies a bit by region, but that wouldn’t be a crazy price for the NE. HVAC is just expensive these days.

    I’d recommend getting at least three quotes. If different companies propose different setups (e.g., all heads vs ducted vs mixed), try to get at least two quotes for each. I ended up getting six quotes due to how much they varied in both price and design. My highest and lowest quotes were more than 20k apart for a <1500 sqft space.

    If you have access to a 0% financing program, don’t wait too long. Those run out quick because it’s such an amazing deal.

  • I forget the specifics and who came up with it, but: pick an amount you haven’t written before. Then, write that much without looking back. If you can set your word processor to only keep your current line visible, even better. Once you’ve written that many paragraphs or pages, do a fast edit. Use a timer so you can’t linger. Then write that much again with the same strategy. After 3-5 times, do a more thorough edit of the whole thing.

    It’s not necessarily how you always want to write, but it can help getting over that initial confidence block as an exercise.

  • If you manage to keep an infinitely large stack of bills a secret, sure. Once somebody notices and word gets out, I’m doubtful it doesn’t get devalued in a hurry. Since these are bills that we are assuming are valid, it’s going to seem like the central bank is printing money with abandon. Famously not great for public confidence in a currency. Why would I keep my wealth in a currency that somebody has an infinite amount of? They may not be spending it today, but who knows when that changes? I’d certainly be scrambling to convert mine to something else.