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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • So I understand the first one, if you don’t want an app open handling them. I still usually just open email or calendars when I want to check them, and close the tab again after, but also don’t have a job that requires me to constantly monitor them.

    The second point I guess I do as well in short term, but more whatever I am actively, currently try working on. I’ve never needed a long term organization for that, though, since it was always more like having several loose leaf papers spread on my desk and less like putting multiple bookmarks in a book and coming back to it over several hours or days. If there’s no need to use it in the next 20 minutes or so, I just bookmark and close it.

    The third I just really don’t grok. Maybe I just really need a tidy browser workspace, but I usually have one, maybe two tabs open at a time when I’m not actively using them and referencing between them. I dont have any tabs that can be forgotten, because I close them immediately after I use them and no longer need them right now.

    I guess it is no different than having bookmarks for everything, except I can hide those. I just hate the “look” of a bunch of tabs open (as a personal preference).

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldShut up mike
    2 months ago

    Context is very much key, too. Asking “How do I [do this thing that is well documented]?” on a forum just comes across as lazy and wanting information spoon fed. Asking the same question in a Discord server of friends seems more like looking for connection and the personal experiences of the firends.

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlcan't make this shit up
    2 months ago

    This isn’t hating on raw food movement, this is like having a water main break and being advised to boil and/or filter water before drinking it.

    A lot of dairy cows are infected with a new virus. Raw/unpasteurized milk has a greater chance if transmission to those consuming it. Recommended to refrain from consuming raw milk until there is no longer such a high rate of infection…

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    I actually used to pay for the Premium account in Google Play Music, but disliked YouTube Music so much when they migrated accounts over that I canceled my subscription. Have they improved the radio/music discovery parts at all?

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm in danger.
    7 months ago

    Yeah, like, I noticed the WWE logo right away but assumed that was simply where the image of the woman was sourced from, and not intended as part of the joke. I didn’t take any physical violence tones from it at all.

    Couple have argument

    Woman leaves room, expecting to be chased

    Man decides to play games instead

    Woman has shocked Pikachu face

    The Woman wanting to be chased is definitely childish, and possibly emotional manipulation, but I don’t think it’s intentional manipulation. At least, there isn’t enough context in the images alone to say that with certainty. Definitely a bit of a leap.