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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I view it like open source where commercial and non-commercial are on an even playing-field, what matters is their contribution. The freedom afforded by a healthy open-source ecosystem should mitigate negative commercial interests, it doesn’t always work out like that but that’s the kind of thing I would hope for.

    There are actually extremely valuable contributions to open source from commercial entities.

  • What’s so bad about that? Even on Lemmy I’m posting things in public, intended to be read by the public, and if somebody wants to train AI on what I’ve given to the public then good for them. I refuse to use a walled garden. Being proprietorial about online posts is probably not the most effective response to online surveillance. I agree that Huffman is a douchecanoe though.

  • This whole “Nessie” thing counts as mildly infuriating to me at this point. The whole loch ness monster thing was a fun thing to wonder about as child, but are people really taking it “seriously?” I’m not even sure if this article was written as a serious news story or not, it’s certainly light on substantial new evidence, but then it’s a BBC article not presented as satire - are we supposed to all be in on the tired joke or is there really something new and substantial there?

  • I don’t think anyone is offended or “getting all triggered” (projection, maybe?), I think OP is annoyed that the community isn’t properly moderated (and I share that annoyance). Moderator action only became “oppressive” when we had centralised social media; in the old days of forums if you didn’t like the moderators you just made your own forum, you’d complain about the old moderators but to complain about “oppression” would be laughable because they can have their website and you can have yours. Thankfully both OP and I have that option - if what the people here want is low-quality off-topic crap then that’s what they can have, I could make my own mildly infuriating if I cared enough, and if others wanted they could go there - it’s totally democratic.